Monday, February 28, 2005

First Day

We departed Atlanta on Saturday evening. After checking in early at the Delta gate, the airline announced that if anyone had flexible travel plans that they would pay $400 in travel vouchers for taking a later flight. I quickly multiplied 400 times 2, got $800, and determined that I indeed had flexible travel plans. We were 2 hours late arriving in Paris, but with enough travel credits for a trip to California!

Jaime and I met Rick and Julie at the appointed cafe near Notre Dame. Of course, they had waited the extra 2 hours at the cafe (consuming a couple of bottles of wine).

Julie and Rick's apartment overlooks the Hotel de Ville and the Seine River. The weather last night was bitter, but we went across the Seine for dinner. Jaime was lagged so I brought her back some pizza.

The weather is much better today. Jaime and I went out early this morning (10:30) in search of coffee and cigarettes. By the way, Jaime's 2 cartons of cigarettes that she brought from the states is still in the large bag that didn't make it to Paris with us. The airline says we'll have it sometime today. We found coffee and cigarettes. Coffee is about $3 a cup and cigarettes are $10 a pack! If I had known this, I would have brought an additional suitcase filled with both and sold them on the street corner.

We met Julie's friend Noel for lunch at an Indian cafe. We've wandered about a bit this afternoon seeing the Luxembourg Park, the Senate, parts of the Latin quarter and more. Julie's apartment is in the 4th Adronisement. By the way, if you are expecting to see these French names and terms spelled correctly, you will be disappointed. I am writing this from an internet cafe were the rates are 3 euro per half hour, so if the spell check can't fix it, neither can I.

I have taken a number of photos, but I doubt that I will post them until later in the week if at all. I will post them when I get back.

That's it for now, folks.

Your friend in Paris,

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