Monday, November 06, 2006


That's right, as of Sunday, Sam is no longer connected to anything. He no longer has the telimetry box attached to him. This box was always on Sam and had several wires that ran out of it that stuck to his chest with those little suction patches. His vital signs were monitored from this box. They obviously feel that he is healthy enough now to the point where they do not need to monitor him. He was very happy to have this removed. Another step in the right direction. He had a really good day yesterday. He got a shower for the first time. Some of you may be wondering if I mean the first time as in his life, but no it's the first shower since being at Shepherd. They've been just giving him sponge baths (which they will continue to do). He had Claybo and Bob come visit and Aunt Sue came by. He and I both napped for a little while yesterday. We also raced wheelchairs. When Bobby, Claybo, and Lan were there, we were hanging out in the gym. I was popping wheelies in Sam's manual chair when he looked at me and said "You wanna race?" How could I turn down such bold challenge. Claybo was the flag girl who says "Ready, Set, Go!" and Sam and I took off. I had him at first but his electric chair certainly does gain momentum because he ended beating me. Not by too much. Anyways, we had a really good weekend and Sam is ready for another hard working week of therapy. Talk to you all soon,


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel nice noy having to work around all those wires? They seemed to always get in my way. The only thing they were really good at was getting a nurses attention. When you wanted them there quick you could just pull off a couple of connectors and the beeping started. Glad to hear of you progress. Oh by the way.... there is not an electric chair at Shepherd that can beat me in my manual chair.!! TAKE THAT....
OK we know the pictures are coming someday, right? I will continue being a pest until we see something.
Have you spoken to James Johnson or Ken recently. Please tell them both I said hello.
God bless you all. Grandin

pollywollywiggins said...

Hey Sam,
Sorry I haven't posted in a week. Last week I had to go to Orlando for a workshop & then Kathy's wedding was this past weekend. Can you say "Bridezilla"?!!!I thought I was gonna have to use the tranquilizer gun on a couple of occasions. The wedding was beautiful & the reception was a lot of fun. They are honeymooning in Jamaica & I'm sure having a great time.
It's great to hear of more good progress since my last visit to your site. You continue to be amazing! D told me of ya'lls visit & was excited to see you! He said wonderful things & can't wait to visit with you again. This "wheelchair" racing sounds like it has potential to be a contender with NASCAR. Are you going to get sponsors? It also sounds like you're having fun. Never stop that! Take care Sam, & I'll continue praying for you & the family.

love, Polly

gogo said...

Howdy Sam!
Congrats on that wireless business!It was so great to see you last week- 'at the spa' Haven't been able to check on you via computer since our Halloween visits {I probably needed to be in timeout for inappropriate blogging anyway}.Gillian & I were so lucky to arrive in time for the Halloween party and folks Sam was the cutest bovine these farm chicks have ever seen. We walked in as he was putting the finishing touches on his costume-tenaciously searching for 'garnish' he used Reese's peanut butter cups(a brillant idea cause who can resist a charmer like Sam surrounded by chocolate?}Until pics are posted I'll also add to the description that the silverplatter was on a red checkered tablecloth and he had an apple in his mouth. How does a guy in a hospital gown come up with all those creative items? Only Sam-He was getting so much attention, we decided to return later.
So several hours (and hundreds of $s)later we returned and met Perry Ann in your room. It was funny when we were standing at the foot of your bed and you were smiling so big and could only shake your head and say you couldn't believe you had all 3 of us in your room at once. I want to reassure you that although we know it is overwhelming, we only use our powers for good.
I survived 2 nights of REK and got to introduce Ace to Robert Earl & they talked about farming. Got to hang out with Rich Brotherton and Marty Muse( pedal steel) too! My second carreer as a groupie is coming right along! Opening band Kevin Fowler (sings Beer Bait and Ammo)offered me $3000 a week to go on tour with them but I'd have to stay at 4 Seasons & Hiltons on the road.And I finlly got on Dave Mattews' bus(they bought it secondhand from him).
But I'm right back in Lumpkin today, Got to think about it -(they are the other end of the spectrum from Panic)
Keep up that good work and I will see you soon!
did PA bring you pepper sauce?
Sue, it was so great to hang with you too!