Sorry everyone but I didn't have a chance to post yesterday. LeeAnne and I were pretty tired when we got back to Columbus last night. Sunday morning Lan and I hung out with Sam and got him looking good for his visitors that day. We had planned on going to the Sunday worship at 1:30 but Shepherd was a little short handed on Respiratory Therapists at the time and we couldn't get one to go with us. Sam didn't mind too much so instead we called some of his friends to come on over to visit. Mailman, Tiffany, Chase, and Kyle came around 1:30 or so. Sam was so happy to see everyone. Our great-aunt Sis dropped by and said hello. Aunt Sue came by with some clean clothes and even checked on Mike to see if there was anything she could do for him. Also Janis came for a while. I had not met her before but she is a very nice person. Sandra came up too and hung out with Sam that night. Sam had quite a few visitors and was so happy to see everyone. He was feeling well yesterday, no temperature and not a lot of respiratory work. Today Sam has PT from 10:00 to 11:00. Then he wants to meet with Ken, the pastor at Shepherd, around 11:00. This afternoon he has OT from 2:00 to 3:30. Gran and Granpappy are heading up today and will be there tomorrow. I'm sure Mom is heading up there too and of course our two wonderful aunts will be around. Sam, I'll see you on Friday. I wish I was there but, I've got to work. I love you brother and will talk to you guys soon.
I almost forgot, I'm going to get in touch with Brad from the Loft and will be posting information about the silent auction benefit on Wednesday the 25th. I spoke with him briefly yesterday and he did say that anyone wanting to donate items to be auctioned should contact him (Brad Strickland) at 706.718.1816
Thanks everyone for your help and support.
George, it was great to meet you. I look forward to seeing you around town now that I know who you are!
Sam, I really enjoyed our visit. I'm glad you're doing so well, and I can't wait to see you again this weekend. I'll give you guys a call and let you know when we'll be up that way (I'm thinking it will be Sunday again).
Let me know if there's anything you want or need and I'll see about getting it.
Looks like you had a busy and fun weekend.I'm glad you had some friends and Gabe said he was gonna work that grill up there like it was on George's back porch, I'mlooking forward to it.I can see it now,bourbon in one hand and meat fork in other.I finally got a day off to day so I had to run around town and get some things done.I'll be down soon.I hope you enjoyed the package and don't forget to look in the sleeves of the cases a put a couple of pics in there for you.I sent Miller a package as well and I sent him the pic of me you and him in front of the twin engine plane when we went skydiving.I can't wait to see you and keep up the good work and get you some good music in when you get a chance.
Love you man,
You want some taffy~Mitch Hedburg
Hey Sam,
glad to see that you are doing better. Bec and I are wanting to come by and see you one day when we are in ATL. Please let us know what days would be best for you. Our prayers are with you and the family.
George keep up the great work.
Your Friend,
Captain & Rebecca Fort
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