Sunday, September 17, 2006

Events Surrounding Sam III's Injury

Friday, September 15

This post contains the events that took place on September 15 relating to Sam’s injury.

George and LeeAnne were hosting a painting party at their new house. They’ve had the new house for about a week and haven’t yet moved in. They are painting the kitchen, dinning room, den, and the ceiling in the master bedroom. The house is located in Ladonia,, AL, about 15 minutes from downtown Columbus.

Those attending the party were George and LeeAnne, Sam III, Bobby Simmons, Dean and others.

Sam announced that he would be the first to tryout the pool. He dove in from the side of the deep end toward the shallow end. He did a belly flop but dove too deep hitting the bottom.

Everybody thought that Sam was making a joke, when floated to the top of the water. After a couple of minutes, George decided that maybe Sam wasn’t kidding and jumped in to get Sam out of the pool.

Sam was fortunate that LeeAnne was an experience lifeguard and trained in CPR. Their friend Dean who also plays in Skydog Gypsy is also a respiratory therapist nurse. He administered mouth to mouth.

Dean said that Sam didn’t have a pulse after being pulled from the pool. George said that he as turning blue.

Fortunately Sam began to respond to the CPR efforts.

The ambulance staffed by the Ladonia Volunteer Fire Department arrived and on the trip to the Medical Center in Columbus, Sam became conscious. George reports that the medics were asking Sam question and he was verbally responsive but was experiencing paralysis from the chest and lower.

I got a call from Bobby Simmons about 10. I had already gone to bed about 9. I heard the phone ring earlier about 9:30 but it was in the office and we rarely get calls on the land line. My cell was on vibrate, so I wouldn’t have heard it if it rang.

Bobby efficiently relayed the situation and I left Jaime, who was sleeping, to go to the Medical Center.

Many of Sam’s friends gathered over the next couple of hours and waiting outside the emergency room entrance for news.

Cat scan fortunately revealed no brain damage. X-rays would show fractures in c-6 and c-5.

The hospital staff moved Sam to ICU on the 8th floor about 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sam: I just wanted to let you know that Vicky, Pollock, Hays, Michael and I all are thinking about you and praying for you. The night after the accident, Vicky and I drove up to Lagrange and spent about 5 hours there. I have limited stamina and dozed off, while Vicky and you Mom talked on until after 4:00AM.

I fully understand and can empathize with you on you injuries. Use all of the facilities at your disposal and take whatever medicines are available to help you get through this. I am thrilled that the surgery went well and you no longer have the halo on. (the headaches will go away soom, but the detns are forever.) When and if you wish to see us just e-mail me at and we will be there. If there is anything that you need please feel free to ask and if it is within my power I will get it done.

I know how painful and frsutrating these types of injuries as I suffered severe neck and back injuries myself more than 36 years ago. Take your time, use every resource available and most importantly don't let the frustration get to you.

I know that I speak for my entire family when I say that you are constantly on our minds and always in our prayers.

Mike, Vicky, Pollock, Hays and Michael Davis