Sunday, October 01, 2006

October 1

Sam III had another very good day. He was off of the ventilator for 6 hours. He tolerated the time off of the ventilator well and even napped for an hour. He is still in great spirits. I attended the Backyard Blues in Columbus last night and enjoyed meeting many of you who have been commenting on this blog. Thanks for all the support that you have been giving to Sam III. He has some really great friends.

Keep us in your prayers and keep commenting. Sam loves hearing from all of you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is Justin, greetings from ChuckTown, South Kakalak. Just wanted to tell you how good it was to see you the other day, and how damn happy I was to find you doing so well. You're making my days with the good news, Keep it coming, bud. Well, gotta go, see you soon.