Sunday, October 29, 2006

Saturday October 28

I visited Sam III today. He was a little late getting out of bed today, about 11:00. After his lunch he had PT with Danielle. Sam said that he really enjoyed PT. It was a short session today and he worked on his biceps.

He told me at at Friday's PT, Kelly took him down to the ground floor so that he could practice navigating the power chair in public areas. He also put the chair in the bus and drove it back out.

Dustin sent Sam an R2D2 robot (you know, Star Wars). Aunt Sue brought Sam batteries for it and Sam and Dustin where planning on trying it out on Saturday afternoon.

George and LeeAnne moved Sam's stuff to storage on Saturday. They got to Atlanta about 8 on Saturday night.

Sam's roommates Victor and Matt have moved on. His new roommate is Curtis. His other roommate, Mike is leaving on Wednesday.


gogo said...

You might want to edit your Sat post,but if I'm reading it right- no wonder Sam III got up late Sat! -After Kelly helped him with all that practicing in his power chair, especially navigating in those 'p.. areas'.
Ace wants to know where you buy those chairs?
love ya Sam!

gogo said...

hi Sam (she said meekly)
OK, it's tomorrow and it's been over 24 hours since I 'commented' & I'm feeling very naughty now about pointing out that typo and I know Sambo's slip is a hard act to follow-but since no one else has acknowledged the elephant in the room, I will blunder on.
Yep, plans are on for tomorrow at 2:30- Gillian & I are supposed to be arriving at Shepard and Perry Ann said she'll meet up with us in your room-so rest up buddyboy.
sweet dreams

ps Forgot to mention that your personal stuff was a hit at the auction and brought in treefidyfee- a little higher than anticipated.

Unknown said...

Yo Sam, Matt here, it's been one week since I left, I hope the guy that replaced me is cool. I also hope that everything is going well for you. This is the first time I have been online since I left, since we aren't back in our own house, it is hard to get online, but I wanted to stop on your site and say hello, My e-mail is if you get a chance to write me. Hope you continue to progress, say hi to George and Leanne for me. Peace

Anonymous said...

Sam3, Grandin here. You are one busy guy with lots of love pouring your way. How are you feeling overall. I mean not at this instant... I mean this week compared to two weeks ago. Thats how I have to look at progress. I usually am amazed if I live in the moment but don't get stuck on this moment is how it will always be. Hey I can tell right away that I would probably just ramble if I keep going so I will just say... Prayers for you and yours.... Don't know when I will be coming to Atlanta because I have started working again. Responsibilities and stuff...... yuk!
God bless you. Holler if you want to talk. Tell Perry Ann I said hello. (That's got to be the same one I know... How many Perry Anns could there be?)
Oh yeah have you and Ken been spending any time talking?
CIao..... Grandin