Well, everyone has asked for this one and here it is. Sam III with the Falcons Cheerleader.
The big news today is that Sam has moved out of ICU into a regular room!
Sam will start physical and occupational therapy on Thursday. He is off of the ventilator. The new room has lots of room. His room has 4 beds but he has only 1 roommate at this time.
Please keep Sam in your prayers as he starts this new phase in his recovery process. Keep those comments coming. We are reading them to him daily
Hey Sam, We are so happy to see you smile, Sorry, we have been trying to write but for some reason it hasn't been letting us,We can't wait to come see you.Just let us know when the best time is for you. Raven and Noah say hey and that they love you. We are not surprised about the recovery that you have made so far,(We all knew that you would). Just know how loved you are.When we come to see you, I will bring you're booties. Keep smiling because, you are an inspiration to us all. We love you very much, Love..Josh and Heather
That's what I'm talkin about!
Are you blushing around the cheerleader Sam??? She was fine though!
Good news about the new room. Glad to hear you're away from all of the confusion usually associated with an ICU. Got cable now?
And no more ventilator. Cool. Hope that roommate can put up with you, or in other words, I hope they will BOW DOWN IN OBEDIENCE! Because that's how you roll Samo.
Going to the Hummingbird here in Macon tonight to check out some local music. I'll let you know how it goes........ duuh duuh duuuuhhh...........
Khaki and Pepper say hey.
Which floor is Sam3 on? If it is 2 please tell Geri I said hello. If you are on two you will know who she is. It takes alittle getting used to the 4 man rooms. They can be very busy at times as well as noisy. Hopefully you have a window view. I found it to be much less confining. Also if you are rehabing on two tell Jen and Carrie I said hello. I could keep naming all the wonderful folks that are there but no need you will meet exactly who you are supposed to meet. Remember I have experience if I can share anything with you that might help please feel free to ask. I am a bit jealous because I did not get to meet the Atl Falcon Cheerleader. Is she the one on the right or left. LOL. Hope you are comfortable. Your partner in similiar experience.
Grandin Eakle
gemini twin, big ups on the hottie! no for real though, i have had you and your experience on my mind, heart, and soul alot lately. you are the reason i believe in miracles. i believe that there are no coincidences in life, everything has its purpose and only the Creator has the plan. i truly feel as though your physical shell has been cracked so that your beautiful soul has been allowed to come out and play freely. the smile that radiates from your face is so pure and geniune. it humbles me to know that you are so gratefully accepting lifes beautiful mysteries. that one evening of jammin at your house was a truly refreshing musical experience and i look forward to many more in the future. good bye for now i love brother and keep up that attitude of gratitude b/c its working
'blessed are the cracked, for they let in the light'...
i saw george at the loft open mic tonite, and now that you are in a reachable room we're fixin ta come in with gee-tarrs and affrickan' darumms, baybee. yes ah ken spell but ah lacks tah tahype in duh acksepted vurnackyerlure.
lots of love and harmonies from eileen and rumi
the power of the spirit is greater than any human diagnosis...
Glad to see that you are out of ICU! You seem to be progressing very well. Keep it up!
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