I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or Quanza. We had one of the best Christmas' that I can remember. We brought Sam home on Friday and even stopped in to see our 99 year old great-grandmother in LaGrange on the way back. Saturday, we enjoyed a really good time with everybody that came over for the little get together. Thanks everyone for coming out. I know Sam had a blast. Christmas day was wonderful. We had the entire Sleadd gang (who helped tremendously along with Bobalicious). Also Grandma, Mom and Hollis came. And Dad, Jamie, Gran, and Granpappy were here for a delicious lunch. Sam ate well all weekend and just enjoyed being away from a hospital atmosphere. He played outside on Saturday with our dog Houser which was priceless. It felt good to see so many friends and family this weekend. We all enjoyed it very much. He's back in ATL today and tomorrow it's back to work rehabbing. If all goes well we plan to bring him home this weekend for a New Year's get together Sunday night with entertainment provided by Steve Miller and SA's band for Ctudio Sea's inauguation. So if you don't have any New Year's plans come on out and have a good time. Take care and we'll see you soon.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saturday, December 23, 2006
December 23rd, 2006
Just wanted to remind everyone about the get together tomorrow night to celebrate Sam being here and to celebrate a couple of birthdays. We brought Sam back this afternoon and we got to see our 99 year great-grandmonther in LaGrange on the way back. That was a good visit and we promised her a tea party soon. We listened to alot of different music on the way back and you could just tell that Sam was just so happy to get away from the Atl and back to C-town. If you need directions, call me on my cell 706.566.0420 or Sam's 706.577.8599. Hope everyone came make it out.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tuesday, December 19th, 2006 9:30pm
Well I know it's been a while since the last update... sorry about that we've all been a little busy. Sam goes into the day program tomorrow. This program will last about 2 to 4 weeks and he'll stay in a Shepherd apartment with either me or Dad. I'm going to move him tomorrow with the help of Aunt Susan and Robert and will stay with him this week. Dad will stay with him the week of Christmas, then I'll take the first week of January, then Dad. I spoke with Sam tonight and he's excited about coming home this weekend and is really looking forward to seeing you guys on Saturday. Today he had graduation from Shepherd and received the Most Improved Award. He was also very excited about his loaner chair (they've ordered his chair but it hasn't come in yet). His loaner chair has blinkers, horns, lights, and hydraulics. It will actually raise upward. He's was riding up above other people tonight getting a kick out of that. His headaches seemed to have gone away some and he's been feeling much better today. We've been getting the house and Ctudio Sea ready but it's still work in progress. Hope everyone is doing well and we'll let you know how the move goes tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday December 13
I am visiting Sam today. He's sleeping. Not feeling very good due to the Bacufin trial that he had yesterday. He had to cancel the outing to the Atlanta Airport that was scheduled today. He's having a medium grade headache that is a side effect of the drug injection. In general, he just isn't feeling well. The Bacufin is taken to relieve the spasms that he is having. Since he didn't tolerate the Bacufin well, Dr. Bowman will be adding Dantrium to the Bacufin to hopefully get a better reaction. Sam is still scheduled to be discharged to the Day Program next Wednesday.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Tuesday December 14
Talley and I went to see Sam on Sunday. She had her 4th birthday party on Saturday and we took Sam some cake and a DVD on the party. She rode in Sam's chair with George. Lots of fun!
Susan called me today to say that Sam had a spinal injection that would hopefully relieve some of the spastic reactions that he has been having. He had to stay on his back for 4 hours after the injection. Sam says that the injection didn't seem to help much. George talked to Sam this afternoon and says that the doctors will probably try a different medication.
Sam is scheduled to go to the Atlanta airport on Wednesday morning at 9:00 for a 6 hour outing. That should make an interesting story...
Susan called me today to say that Sam had a spinal injection that would hopefully relieve some of the spastic reactions that he has been having. He had to stay on his back for 4 hours after the injection. Sam says that the injection didn't seem to help much. George talked to Sam this afternoon and says that the doctors will probably try a different medication.
Sam is scheduled to go to the Atlanta airport on Wednesday morning at 9:00 for a 6 hour outing. That should make an interesting story...
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Saturday, December 9th, 7:30 pm
Hey you guys, just figured I'd let you know what's been going on up here in the ATL. Lan and I got up here last night and couldn't find Sam when we got to his room. We should've known he was out and about hanging with some friends. When we got him back to his room I gave him a good shave b/c he was beginning to look like that picture that was posted when he was in ICU looking like a hobo. Anyways he got a good shave but I did leave him with some chops.
Today we've been hanging out having a really good time. Mom came up and we did some IC training. Also Uncle Brooks and Jennings came by and brought us a Xmas gift and Sam some clean clothes. Uncle Lewis and Susie came by too and hung some Xmas lights in Sam's room (they look really good). I'm not sure if I told you guys but Sam was recently a hand model. His OT has to speak at some national conference and she's been impressed with what Sam has been able to do with his hands even without movement. This week they're going to photograph his shoulder blades b/c apparently they look really good for someone with his type of injury. He is very excited about the party on the 23rd at our place. I hope all of you guys can make it. I'll post more with details but Sam would like for everyone to dress up. (Sorry Mailman... but just think we'll finally be able to all get together and celebrate your birthday too.) I'll talk to you soon.
Today we've been hanging out having a really good time. Mom came up and we did some IC training. Also Uncle Brooks and Jennings came by and brought us a Xmas gift and Sam some clean clothes. Uncle Lewis and Susie came by too and hung some Xmas lights in Sam's room (they look really good). I'm not sure if I told you guys but Sam was recently a hand model. His OT has to speak at some national conference and she's been impressed with what Sam has been able to do with his hands even without movement. This week they're going to photograph his shoulder blades b/c apparently they look really good for someone with his type of injury. He is very excited about the party on the 23rd at our place. I hope all of you guys can make it. I'll post more with details but Sam would like for everyone to dress up. (Sorry Mailman... but just think we'll finally be able to all get together and celebrate your birthday too.) I'll talk to you soon.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Wednesday, December 6th, 8:00 p.m.
Hey everybody. Just wanted to let you know how Sam's been. Today Mom and Dad visited Sam. Mom brought Sam a singing Coca-Cola Bear from Grandma. She also took lessons on ICs. Dad and Sam got a Xmas list together for Grandma on some good adaptive equipment for music production on a computer. He's feeling much better today. He did some OT with Patty and met with an adaptive technology specialists as well. All in all, Sam had a good day. Also Sam was recently on T.V. in Atlanta on Fox 5 about a report regarding one of his roomates. I'll try to get Dad to post the link where everyone can see it and I'll also try to get some more recent photos posted. Don't forget about the shindig here for Sam on the 23rd. Wish I had more news to report on but that's all for now. Take care. See the Fox 5 Sports report
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Tuesday, December 5th, 5:30 pm
Hey everybody. Just got off the phone with Granpappy, he and Gran went to visit Sam today like every Tuesday. Granpappy said that most of the morning they were measuring Sam for his chair. So hopefully, they got the order in for Sam's wheels. We'll save the customization until he gets home so that we can all discuss whether he needs spinners or 20's. Personally, I think some nice spinners would look good, and a horn. Sorry I got delayed in finishing this post, Sam just called. He says he's been a little weak today due to low blood pressure. They've put him on some medicine for muscle spasms that has now caused his blood pressure to drop making him weak. He says sometimes you can't fix a problem without creating a new one. So today hasn't been the best of days but that's ok. Grandin, did you have any similar issues? Looking forward to getting up there this weekend since I didn't go this past weekend. Please keep Sam in your prayers and also pray for Kari Coldwell, Jeremy Dockery, and the family of Michael Houston. Kari is still in ICU. Jeremey is recovering from a 4 wheeler accident. And Michael passed away last week, he will be greatly missed.
Until next time,
Until next time,
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Saturday, December 2nd, 11:30pm
Hey everyone it's George. Like Dad said, he, my Mom, and myself attended some training in ATL this week so sorry for not keeping you up to speed on Sam's always amazing progress. Friday they fitted Sam with some air splints for his arms that allows to do push-ups and other mat exercises like jump-n-jack type movements that really demonstrate the muscles and ability to work the muscles that he has. He told me that all of the therapists were extremely surprised to see him raising himself so far off the mat during the push-up exercises... who would have ever thought that Sam could do a push up :-) . Anyways, Sam had some visitors on Thursday including Uncle Zim and cousin Charlie, Dustin and Lauren, and also a friend that he met in peer support John (he's 29 and in a chair as well). I didn't make it to ATL this weekend but spoke with Sam on the phone today and he had a pretty bad morning with the 2nd string nurses that come in for the weekend shift. He's afternoon was a little better. Good days, bad days. Since Sam will be going directly into the day program at Shepherds on the Thursday the 21st of December, we plan on bringing him home for the long weekend over Christmas so I would like to invite everyone and anyone to our home on Saturday the 23rd for a little get together with Sam. Well have a lot of fun so anybody is invited and I'll post more details in the days to come but put in on your calendars that the 23rd we'll have a little shin dig here at the house with our boy Sam-I-Am. Hope everyone is doing well and we'll talk to you soon.
Also please keep Kari Coldwell in your prayers and her family. Many of you know Rick and his sister is really going through a tough time at the moment. They need all the prayers and support now more than ever.
Love you guys,
Also please keep Kari Coldwell in your prayers and her family. Many of you know Rick and his sister is really going through a tough time at the moment. They need all the prayers and support now more than ever.
Love you guys,
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday, November 30
Sorry for the big gap in blogs. George and I have been busy attending what is called "Key" training at Shepherd in Atlanta.
Today we did shower training and attended several classroom training sessions. Sam's treac opening has closed enough that he can use the shower.
Sam was photographed for a presentation that Shepherd staff will be doing in the future. The the focus of the photo shoot was to demonstrate how a person without finger movement can retrieve, load and play a cd on a portable player. I never thought that Sam would have the opportunity to be a "hand model".
The Sam is scheduled to leave the hospital and start the Shepherd Day Program on December 21. We'll be staying with Sam in an apartment across Peachtree from the hospital. Each day we'll get dressed and go training sessions that teach the patient how to get along out in the real world. It should be quite an adventure!
Today we did shower training and attended several classroom training sessions. Sam's treac opening has closed enough that he can use the shower.
Sam was photographed for a presentation that Shepherd staff will be doing in the future. The the focus of the photo shoot was to demonstrate how a person without finger movement can retrieve, load and play a cd on a portable player. I never thought that Sam would have the opportunity to be a "hand model".
The Sam is scheduled to leave the hospital and start the Shepherd Day Program on December 21. We'll be staying with Sam in an apartment across Peachtree from the hospital. Each day we'll get dressed and go training sessions that teach the patient how to get along out in the real world. It should be quite an adventure!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Friday, November 24th, 10:00 a.m.
Well I hope everyone had a great Turkey day! I'm sure everybody's rubbing their bellies. We had a wonderful thanksgiving. Sam only rolled down the driveway backwards once, just kidding. Lan and I got to Shepherds about 10:00 and Dad and Jaime weren't far behind us. Sam told me what all to pack him and we were off around 12:00. We made a flawless transfer from the chair to the front seat of my van with Sam. Dad, Jaime, and Lan sat in the back seat. In normal Sam fashion we rode to our Aunt Susan's with his shades on listening to some gnarles barkley, chili peppers, and nellie furtaco's "Permiscuous". Once we got their we made another flawless transfer to his chair from the van, until we realized that we didn't lock the brakes and he started rolling down the driveway. Again, just kidding, no people or animals were hurt (except maybe the turkey). We ate a delicious meal prepared by our Aunt Susan. Sam had seconds of turkey, dressing, and gravy. He even ate a piece of all three pies that she cooked. With it being such a beautiful day we ate outside on the back deck and after our meal went inside to watch a little football and darts (yes they actually televise darts, go figure). Dad took pictures of Lan, Sam and myself for Xmas cards. After that we headed back to Shepherd. On the way back we listened to Panic's Halloween show at the MGM Grand. Sam agrees with probably the rest of the world that G-mac needed to go and that Jimmy Herring is a great fit after listening to a few tracks. Again flawless transfer to and from the van. Sam got back to Shepherd and started making his rounds to different rooms, plugging his music by giving people cd's of his latest project that he worked on before his accident. We had a great Thanksgiving. At Aunt Susan's he got to visit with Aunt Sis, Gran and Granpappy, Uncle Brooks, Aunt Susan, Jennings, Robert, Dad and Jaime, and Lan and myself. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and had safe travels.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sam III will be going over to Aunt Susan's for Thanksgiving today. There are so many to thank who have helped to make this visit possible. A special thank you to all of you who have monitored Sam's progress and have written comments and included him in your prayers. I went throught the archives and here are the names of those that commented during the past three months.
Mike, Vicky, Pollock, Hays and Michael Davis, Bobby S., drbongo, mando, will dockery, janis, larry c, rebecca and eduardo, skydog leigh, leigh, dr. sullivan,Kacey Crosby, Meg (Mary Margaret), Candace and Jeremy, erin, josh and heather, George and LeeAnne, Jason and Lisa Ezzell, Page, Nickey Selfe, Rick Dukes, "Holliewood", Sandra and Allen, Leigh Anne & Clay, Daniel Griffith, Randy, Gina and Lindsey, Bubba Redding, Duby, Gogo, Gillian, thamailman, "Miss" Ginger, Rick, Payton and Nolan, John Phillips, Hope and Faith, Ame, David and Charlie's Aunt & your Grandmother's fishing buddies Ellen, Bob and Robert, Kelli, Jenny (and Kali), Jon Godfrey, DUSTIN, Nickey, debbie, Jordan, Pavy, Sanchez and Sasia, Ms Beth, Ashley, DIXIE, DAVID AND LESLIE, Mike Landis, David and Charlie's AuntEllen, Courtney, Amanda and Clayton, Marsha and Bill Singer/Dallas, Noelle, Georgia, Shelley and Dick, Johnny and Wanda, steve, Little Hollis, Ivy, Ann-michele, Mickey and Frank, Grandin Eakle, SimBob, Kelly, Amy, and Cameron Selfe, Godfrey, Chris and Erin, Van Bradford, Kelli J, Josh Blankenship, Curtis, Jimmy Babb family, CRAWFORD, Lainie, Troy Kelley, Slade, David Van, Polly-wog Wiggins, Kyle Nichols, JULIE AND RICK, Reg, Cindy DePlonty, Rick C, Kimberly A. Bass T.C. and Kenna/ clerk, Kasi Mason, Anne Schaeffer, Luther and Diane Yates, Van Bradford and Susanna, Nikki Smith, -J, JACKIE JO, Julian and Joan, MATT, Captain and Rebecca Fort, Patrick W. Hopkins, Jeff, Dennis, Jenny, Robbie Wright, George B., Tripp, Mike Farrington, Matt's Nana, Jeff and Noelle, glen giles, Mitch Hedburg, Jason Wink, Patrick Taylor, Jack Handy, Mr. Man, ashley w., Peter Griffin, Jenny, Elizabeth Hollomon, kevin, Donald, Billy Kleinhoff, TN Sleadds: Robert, Sandra, Rob and Will, Kyle N., Khaki and Pepper, eileen, Lainie, Jay, Talley, and Jess, mothershed, Shelley, Dick and the boys, Charlie and Ava Smith, Blair & Jeremy, Paypay, Tiddles, david wellons, don, tiffanny.
Thanks to everyone!!!!!
Mike, Vicky, Pollock, Hays and Michael Davis, Bobby S., drbongo, mando, will dockery, janis, larry c, rebecca and eduardo, skydog leigh, leigh, dr. sullivan,Kacey Crosby, Meg (Mary Margaret), Candace and Jeremy, erin, josh and heather, George and LeeAnne, Jason and Lisa Ezzell, Page, Nickey Selfe, Rick Dukes, "Holliewood", Sandra and Allen, Leigh Anne & Clay, Daniel Griffith, Randy, Gina and Lindsey, Bubba Redding, Duby, Gogo, Gillian, thamailman, "Miss" Ginger, Rick, Payton and Nolan, John Phillips, Hope and Faith, Ame, David and Charlie's Aunt & your Grandmother's fishing buddies Ellen, Bob and Robert, Kelli, Jenny (and Kali), Jon Godfrey, DUSTIN, Nickey, debbie, Jordan, Pavy, Sanchez and Sasia, Ms Beth, Ashley, DIXIE, DAVID AND LESLIE, Mike Landis, David and Charlie's AuntEllen, Courtney, Amanda and Clayton, Marsha and Bill Singer/Dallas, Noelle, Georgia, Shelley and Dick, Johnny and Wanda, steve, Little Hollis, Ivy, Ann-michele, Mickey and Frank, Grandin Eakle, SimBob, Kelly, Amy, and Cameron Selfe, Godfrey, Chris and Erin, Van Bradford, Kelli J, Josh Blankenship, Curtis, Jimmy Babb family, CRAWFORD, Lainie, Troy Kelley, Slade, David Van, Polly-wog Wiggins, Kyle Nichols, JULIE AND RICK, Reg, Cindy DePlonty, Rick C, Kimberly A. Bass T.C. and Kenna/ clerk, Kasi Mason, Anne Schaeffer, Luther and Diane Yates, Van Bradford and Susanna, Nikki Smith, -J, JACKIE JO, Julian and Joan, MATT, Captain and Rebecca Fort, Patrick W. Hopkins, Jeff, Dennis, Jenny, Robbie Wright, George B., Tripp, Mike Farrington, Matt's Nana, Jeff and Noelle, glen giles, Mitch Hedburg, Jason Wink, Patrick Taylor, Jack Handy, Mr. Man, ashley w., Peter Griffin, Jenny, Elizabeth Hollomon, kevin, Donald, Billy Kleinhoff, TN Sleadds: Robert, Sandra, Rob and Will, Kyle N., Khaki and Pepper, eileen, Lainie, Jay, Talley, and Jess, mothershed, Shelley, Dick and the boys, Charlie and Ava Smith, Blair & Jeremy, Paypay, Tiddles, david wellons, don, tiffanny.
Thanks to everyone!!!!!
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Sunday, November19th
What's up guys. Sorry I didn't post yesterday but we had a really good time. Sam played poker in PT and won. We watched Auburn win and Sam roamed the halls hanging out with a lot of the friends that he's met up here. Mom came up and with Lan picked us all up lunch at Ted's Restaurant. Sam got to munch on some chili cheese fries. After Mom left, Mailman and Tiffany showed up and we had a really good time hanging out with them. Uncle Brooks and cousin Jennings dropped in with special brownies for Sam. While Jennings and Uncle Brooks were here we got R2D2 out and as usual he was giving us all a hard time (we might just keep him locked up in the closet like a gimp if he doesn't get his attitude together). Chrissy, a good friend of all of ours that we haven't seen in a while came by yesterday and we all hung out. George Bateman also came in Saturday night. Dad came up last night for some training and that was about all. Today we got to Shepherds and couldn't find Sam. He was out and about making the rounds. It's been Lan, Bateman, Chrissy, Sam and myself hanging out today and Lan and Bateman have gone to get groceries to fire up the grill today. We're having fun and we'll talk to you guys soon. George
Friday, November 17, 2006
Friday October 16th 10:00
Well I don't know where to begin with this post. The improvement that our main man has made is unbelievable!!! Lan and I are still here at Shepherd, that haven't kicked us out yet. But you guys gotta hear what's goin' on. Sam is shaving himself, working on his own IC training, able to hold up to eat hamburgers and sandwiches, working his Ipod and cellphone by himself, and is also now part of the Peer Support team. He's movement on the mat is awesome. He's attitude is unbelievable and he exumes confidence. He's working his charm on all the ladies still (nurses and patients). He's been telling all the nurses that Christmas came early with his sly smile. He's got a lot of street cred around hear with his seniority. All in all, he's doing whatever the hell he wants to and is just as happy as he can be. I didn't know how start this post and I don't know how to end it, all I know that I want to get back to hanging out with my brother b/c all of this is too good to be true. Keep the prayers coming and much love.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Wednesday November 15
I went to Alalanta to see Sam III today. He was doing fine. The doctor has removed the button from his treac and it is healing up. As a result of removing the button, air escapes though the gause bandage when Sam speaks. He is using his hand to cover the bandage to force the air through his throat. Of course this makes it hard for him to talk for a few days until it fully closes.
I went to PT and Kelly showed me how to get Sam into and out of a car. Sam is almost ready to travel out of the hospital on a day pass.
Sam a couple of baby Krystal burgers for lunch. He can use his hands to eat them.
Thank you all of the prayers. Please keep them coming!
I went to PT and Kelly showed me how to get Sam into and out of a car. Sam is almost ready to travel out of the hospital on a day pass.
Sam a couple of baby Krystal burgers for lunch. He can use his hands to eat them.
Thank you all of the prayers. Please keep them coming!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday, November 13th 5:00
Hey everyone, Just got off the phone with Sam and he said that today about 12:30 they removed his button from his throat. This button was the step down from the trac and now that the button is out it should take 1 to 3 days for the hole to heal. This was really good news. Also Sam rode a bike for 55 minutes which was about 10 miles! Well, he didn't actually ride a bike. They put a wheel at the bottom of his wheel chair, strap his feet in pedals, and use electrodes to power the wheel. I believe it's the motion of pedaling that is beneficial. His therapists were surprised that he rode it for as long as he did. Great day to start off a week. Also thank you to everyone that came out this weekend to help with the music room. So much work was accomplished! Thanks everybody.
Monday November 13
Sorry for the delay in posts. There are several things going on. George and a number of Sam's friends worked on Sam's "Man Room" over the the weekend. They built a deck in front of the room, changed out the door, demolished the existing interior, added studs as needed, removed and added new electrical wiring, outlets and switches, new lights. The insulation folks are due later this week. After that comes sheetrock. Uncle Lew came down from Atlanta to head up the project. Sam should really enjoy this room. It is really going to serve his needs.
I visited Sam on Saturday. I went to PT with him and work with him to do leg stretches. He is in great spirits and is working hard! I saw him dial on his cell phone and use his Ipod. So much progress in just a few weeks!
Ya'll keep commenting and praying. Sam does enjoy hearing from you.
I visited Sam on Saturday. I went to PT with him and work with him to do leg stretches. He is in great spirits and is working hard! I saw him dial on his cell phone and use his Ipod. So much progress in just a few weeks!
Ya'll keep commenting and praying. Sam does enjoy hearing from you.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Thursday November 9
George was in Atlanta training at Shepherd with Sam today. George reports that he learned how to use the Hoya lift to move Sam from his chair to the front seat of a Saturn automobile. He has also completed IC training.
I was in training yesterday and learn about leg and shoulder stretching. I also used the lift to move Sam from his bed to chair and from chair to mat. Sam was working on putting on and taking off his t-shirt by himself.
I met with Jane who is with the Shepherd's Bridge Program. She will be working with Sam a year after he leaves Shepherd. She gave me a lot of great information.
Sam also had a visit yesterday from cousin Reg from New York.
I was in training yesterday and learn about leg and shoulder stretching. I also used the lift to move Sam from his bed to chair and from chair to mat. Sam was working on putting on and taking off his t-shirt by himself.
I met with Jane who is with the Shepherd's Bridge Program. She will be working with Sam a year after he leaves Shepherd. She gave me a lot of great information.
Sam also had a visit yesterday from cousin Reg from New York.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Wednesday, October 8th 9:00
Hello everybody, It's George, just giving an update for today. Dad came up this morning for some additional training with Sam's PT and OT therapists. I was able to get away from work and participate in Sam's OT session with Dad. We worked on arm stretches. Sam also got a little shave. His wheelchair controls have been moved to his right side to strengthen his right hand. He's still eating and drinking great on his own. The trac came out yesterday and has been replaced with a button which is a step towards the right direction. His voice already sounds a lot better. I took tomorrow off, so I'll have a chance to work with his therapists all day tomorrow. I wanted to mention that this Saturday will be Phase I of converting our workshop into Sam's music room (he refers to it as his "Man Room"). We will have ribs, burgers and lots of beverages for everyone and will also have all the football games on, so please come on out and help pitch in. We'll get started pretty early Saturday but whenever you guys can show all help will be greatly appreciated. Visitors today included: Dad, Mom, Aunt Sue, our cousin Reg. I'll talk to you guys soon. Take care. Love, George
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Tuesday November 7
You may have noticed that the site has a new look. After 100 posts during the past couple of years, I figured it was time for a new look. Like it or not? Let me know.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Monday November 6
Sam III is to be a guest on Trisha Patterson's radio show today between 5 and 6 p.m. Here is the url for internet reception:
Then click on listen to Radio Sandy Springs online.
I just listened to the show, Public Access on Radio Sandy Springs 1620 AM. Chase, Trish's son, was also on air. Marshall Hamilton was also on the show. Trish called Sam and he answered questions from the show's host. Sam sounded great. He also said that his treac is scheduled to come out on Thursday. Thanks Trish for having Sam on with you.
11/07/2006 If you want to listen to a recorded version of the show, go to this link and select the show date of 11/06/2006 http://radiosandysprings.com/PublicAccess/index.html
Then click on listen to Radio Sandy Springs online.
I just listened to the show, Public Access on Radio Sandy Springs 1620 AM. Chase, Trish's son, was also on air. Marshall Hamilton was also on the show. Trish called Sam and he answered questions from the show's host. Sam sounded great. He also said that his treac is scheduled to come out on Thursday. Thanks Trish for having Sam on with you.
11/07/2006 If you want to listen to a recorded version of the show, go to this link and select the show date of 11/06/2006 http://radiosandysprings.com/PublicAccess/index.html
That's right, as of Sunday, Sam is no longer connected to anything. He no longer has the telimetry box attached to him. This box was always on Sam and had several wires that ran out of it that stuck to his chest with those little suction patches. His vital signs were monitored from this box. They obviously feel that he is healthy enough now to the point where they do not need to monitor him. He was very happy to have this removed. Another step in the right direction. He had a really good day yesterday. He got a shower for the first time. Some of you may be wondering if I mean the first time as in his life, but no it's the first shower since being at Shepherd. They've been just giving him sponge baths (which they will continue to do). He had Claybo and Bob come visit and Aunt Sue came by. He and I both napped for a little while yesterday. We also raced wheelchairs. When Bobby, Claybo, and Lan were there, we were hanging out in the gym. I was popping wheelies in Sam's manual chair when he looked at me and said "You wanna race?" How could I turn down such bold challenge. Claybo was the flag girl who says "Ready, Set, Go!" and Sam and I took off. I had him at first but his electric chair certainly does gain momentum because he ended beating me. Not by too much. Anyways, we had a really good weekend and Sam is ready for another hard working week of therapy. Talk to you all soon,
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Saturday, November 4th, 3:30
Hey everybody it's George, just hanging out with Sam and Lan. It's a good time to post now because Sam is resting in his chair and Lan is asleep in his bed. He has made so much progress from last weekend when we were here. He's feeding himself and drinking by himself. He's also brushing his teeth by himself. His muscle control has increased. You can tell he has really been working hard in PT and OT b/c it has paid off. He's a bit sore this weekend but that's just from working his butt off this week. Just to recap some of Sam's Milestones this week: On Monday, Sam ate and drank by himself for the first time. With a couple of straps and a bent fork and spoon, Sam goes to town on some food. On Tuesday, Sam came off the vent. completely. He had been put on the vent for a few hours each night but he no longer needs that assistance. On Wednesday, his feeding tube came out. He was joking and said the nurse tied a piece of string to the tube and the other end to the door and then slammed the door, but that's not exactly the way they operate up here. Thursday and Friday were very productive days in PT and OT. Once on the mat, Sam is able to hold himself up with his arms and various other exercises that he has not been able to do on his own until then. Overall, it was a extraordinary week for Sam. He had many visitors this week. I'm not sure exactly who all stopped in but I do know some of his visitors this week include: Gogo, Gillian, Tara, Gran and Granpappy. Of course Dad, Mom, Hollis, Aunt Sue and family, and Aunt Susan and family. Also cousins Sara, Julian, and Fred came by on Thursday. Today we played with R2D2 robot from Dustin with Aunt Sue, Uncle Lewis, and Suzy. Sam wanted to thank Jaime Simmons (I'm sorry I only know your maiden name) for the really good looking junk food basket. Sam, Lan, and I would also like to send our love to our step-mom Jaime since she had back surgery yesterday. We love you and hope you get to feeling better. Well, that's all for now. Tomorrow Sam wants to reply to some posts so you guys will hear from him soon. Until then, we love you all and thank you all for your love, support, and prayers. Oh yeah, don't think we've forgotten to post Sam's Halloween picture, it's coming soon.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday October 31
Sam III went to the Shepherd Halloween party as a cow's head on a silver tray. He was pretty excited this. He called me to let me know. He is also feeding himself! He uses special utensils.
Vistors today included Susan, Sue, Susie, Gran, Grandpappy, Sis, Shelly, Martha, and maybe others. Sorry, but I don't have a complete list.
Please don't forget to keep Sam in your prayers.
Vistors today included Susan, Sue, Susie, Gran, Grandpappy, Sis, Shelly, Martha, and maybe others. Sorry, but I don't have a complete list.
Please don't forget to keep Sam in your prayers.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday October 28
I visited Sam III today. He was a little late getting out of bed today, about 11:00. After his lunch he had PT with Danielle. Sam said that he really enjoyed PT. It was a short session today and he worked on his biceps.
He told me at at Friday's PT, Kelly took him down to the ground floor so that he could practice navigating the power chair in public areas. He also put the chair in the bus and drove it back out.
Dustin sent Sam an R2D2 robot (you know, Star Wars). Aunt Sue brought Sam batteries for it and Sam and Dustin where planning on trying it out on Saturday afternoon.
George and LeeAnne moved Sam's stuff to storage on Saturday. They got to Atlanta about 8 on Saturday night.
Sam's roommates Victor and Matt have moved on. His new roommate is Curtis. His other roommate, Mike is leaving on Wednesday.
He told me at at Friday's PT, Kelly took him down to the ground floor so that he could practice navigating the power chair in public areas. He also put the chair in the bus and drove it back out.
Dustin sent Sam an R2D2 robot (you know, Star Wars). Aunt Sue brought Sam batteries for it and Sam and Dustin where planning on trying it out on Saturday afternoon.
George and LeeAnne moved Sam's stuff to storage on Saturday. They got to Atlanta about 8 on Saturday night.
Sam's roommates Victor and Matt have moved on. His new roommate is Curtis. His other roommate, Mike is leaving on Wednesday.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thursday October 26
The Benefit 4 Sam was a huge success! Thank you to all of those who helped. Many people were involved in so many ways. Brad and the folks at the Loft were terrific hosts. Everyone attending had a great time. Thanks to those who donated items for the silent auction, those who helped to find items to be donated, and to those who purchased items. The silent auction raised almost $6000.
Thanks also the musicians who played.
Report from Shepherd from Wednesday
Sam was not feeling great on Wednesday. He stayed in bed until about noon. He has symptoms of a urinary tract infection. He did eat his lunch well and went to PT. PT was good. Sam met a Shepherd employee named James Johnson. James has a similar injury to Sam's. Hurt about 6 years ago, James has become very independent. He shared much with Sam. Sam understands that much is possible with time and hard work.
Thanks also the musicians who played.
Report from Shepherd from Wednesday
Sam was not feeling great on Wednesday. He stayed in bed until about noon. He has symptoms of a urinary tract infection. He did eat his lunch well and went to PT. PT was good. Sam met a Shepherd employee named James Johnson. James has a similar injury to Sam's. Hurt about 6 years ago, James has become very independent. He shared much with Sam. Sam understands that much is possible with time and hard work.
Thursday, October 26th 5:00
Great news about Sam from yesterday.... he called me at work and told me how in PT they put him in a manual chair. He was joking around saying that his was doing counter-clockwise doughnuts since his right arm seems to be a little stronger than the left right now. Today, he called and said he's been practicing holding cards since he has a Texas Hold'em Poker game that's part of a group therapy. I asked him if he's been working on his poker face, he said that if he has a good hand he'll just make a face like he has gas. Good ol' Sam. Always joking around.
Wow what a night last night!!!!! I think it was just awesome and couldn't have gone any better. Thank you so much Brad and the great staff at the Loft for putting everything together. Thanks Buddy for being the "facilitator". Rachel did a great job with helping with the auction and Leigh brought some good food... thanks guys. Also thank you to all the individuals and businesses who donated some great items (I was really blown away at what all was up for auction). Thanks to you guys for bidding on stuff. We raised over $5500 from the silent auction. That's amazing! That doesn't include what the Loft made from tips and sales. 100% of that is being donated to Sam's recovery as well.
I'd like to send our thoughts and prayers to the family of Carter Butts: Mr. Randy, Mrs. Rachel, and Rebecca. Sam and we all were very sad to hear of his accident.
I'll talk to you all soon,
Wow what a night last night!!!!! I think it was just awesome and couldn't have gone any better. Thank you so much Brad and the great staff at the Loft for putting everything together. Thanks Buddy for being the "facilitator". Rachel did a great job with helping with the auction and Leigh brought some good food... thanks guys. Also thank you to all the individuals and businesses who donated some great items (I was really blown away at what all was up for auction). Thanks to you guys for bidding on stuff. We raised over $5500 from the silent auction. That's amazing! That doesn't include what the Loft made from tips and sales. 100% of that is being donated to Sam's recovery as well.
I'd like to send our thoughts and prayers to the family of Carter Butts: Mr. Randy, Mrs. Rachel, and Rebecca. Sam and we all were very sad to hear of his accident.
I'll talk to you all soon,
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday October 24
Sam III didn't get to go on the trip to the bookstore because of his open airway. The recreation therapist didn't think about this when she signed him up.
Gran and Grandpappy, Susan, Brooks, and Jennings visited Sam today. I don't have a complete list. Susan said that Brooks shaved Sam with the electric razor and then Sam took Brooks on a tour of the hospital.
Watch the WRBL TV-3 news tonight. There will be a segment on Sam's Benefit at the Loft schduled for tomorrow night. George was interviewed for the TV news segment! Don't forget, tomorrow at the Loft. I'll be there with the video camera to record messages to Sam.
Gran and Grandpappy, Susan, Brooks, and Jennings visited Sam today. I don't have a complete list. Susan said that Brooks shaved Sam with the electric razor and then Sam took Brooks on a tour of the hospital.
Watch the WRBL TV-3 news tonight. There will be a segment on Sam's Benefit at the Loft schduled for tomorrow night. George was interviewed for the TV news segment! Don't forget, tomorrow at the Loft. I'll be there with the video camera to record messages to Sam.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday October 23
Just talked to Sam III on the phone. His breathing has been doing well today. The music therapist came in this morning and worked with him to try and play a guitar using an oversized pick. He was a little more successful playing a few notes with his left hand on a keyboard. Still it was fun he says.
Trish Patterson worked with him at PT this morning. Lil, Sue, and Susie visited today.
He worked on feeding himself today. Lots of work Sam says.
Sam is looking forward to seeing photos of the benefit at the Loft on Wednesday.
Ya'll are still doing a great job at praying and commenting. Keep it up!
Trish Patterson worked with him at PT this morning. Lil, Sue, and Susie visited today.
He worked on feeding himself today. Lots of work Sam says.
Sam is looking forward to seeing photos of the benefit at the Loft on Wednesday.
Ya'll are still doing a great job at praying and commenting. Keep it up!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday October 22
Sam III was doing well today. He slept in until about 10:30. He ate his lunch and dinner well.
After lunch, a number of visitors came by. I'm sure that I am leaving out some, but here goes:
Bobby, Janis, Jordan, Mailman, Tiffany, Mike and Morgan, The Sleadds, Mr. James, Miss Cherry, Jeanie, Catherine, Rick and Mrs. Caldwell, George and LeeAnne.
Keep those prayers and comments coming. Try to make the Loft event on Wednesday!
After lunch, a number of visitors came by. I'm sure that I am leaving out some, but here goes:
Bobby, Janis, Jordan, Mailman, Tiffany, Mike and Morgan, The Sleadds, Mr. James, Miss Cherry, Jeanie, Catherine, Rick and Mrs. Caldwell, George and LeeAnne.
Keep those prayers and comments coming. Try to make the Loft event on Wednesday!
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Saturday October 21
Sam III had a pretty good day. Started off a little slow. He was having problems breathing while having his breakfast, so he didn't eat much food. He took some pain meds around lunch as began to feel a little better.
George and LeeAnne were here for the weekend.
We almost got into trouble taking Sam out of the room without his crash cart. The nurses sent us back for it.
Susie came by in the afternoon.
Have you checked the list to see all of the great stuff being donated for the Silent Auction! Please go to the auction if you possibly can! Thanks all!
George and LeeAnne were here for the weekend.
We almost got into trouble taking Sam out of the room without his crash cart. The nurses sent us back for it.
Susie came by in the afternoon.
Have you checked the list to see all of the great stuff being donated for the Silent Auction! Please go to the auction if you possibly can! Thanks all!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, 10-19-06, 11:00pm
Hey guys, it's George. Sorry I don't have an update on Sam today but I would like to post the information regarding the Silent Auction @ the Loft next Wednesday. We'll get started around 6:00 and have happy hour until 7:00. The bidding will begin @ 7:00 and end @ 10:00. From 10:00 to Midnight we'll settle all purchases. Don't worry, if you're not there that late for the settling and you've won the bid, we'll get in touch with you to notify you that you've won the item. The music will start around 8:00 and will play until closing (expect to hear some of Columbus premier musicians). Some of the items up for bid include:
1. Weekend stay @ a beach house in Mexico Beach.
2. Various works of art contributed by local artists.
3. A 1988 Ford Bronco in great shape (Brand new 351 Windsor engine, hard and soft top, lift kit, over sized off-road tires, good brakes, CD player, and runs great!).
4. Pop-up Camper that's in really good shape.
5. Sports Memorabilia (some of which is autographed).
6. Assorted Jewelry donated by jewelry stores and other jewelers.
7. Photography Session by James Sleadd Photography (which includes a 16x20 Signature Series Portrait, package is negotiable).
8. Concert Tickets (Bo Diddly @ the River Center).
9. Cool Slot Machine.
10. Numerous gift certificates to restaurants and local business (Carrabba's, Styles by Cooper, Judy Bugs Bookstore, Superior Skin Art, The Cannon Restaurant, Fountain City Coffee, 2 Country Hams from Country's Bar-b-que, & Ride on Bikes).
11. $600 value to Ranger Boat Supplies.
12. Year long pass to The Loft and also passes to Comedy Nights.
13. 1 full day of recording time @ the Loft's Recording Studio.
14. $400 value photo shoot by Sean Rocks Media.
15. Car Windshield.
16. Massage by professional masseuse
17. Season tickets to the Columbus Cotton Mouths.
And much more!!!!
-Monetary Donations are also greatly appreciated.
-Contributions can be made out to: Lumpkin United Methodist Church P.O. Box 188 Lumpkin, Ga. 31815 (and in the memo line indicate Sam Singer's Recovery Fund).
Receipts will be provided for tax deduction purposes.
I would like to thank Brad and Buddy @ the Loft for coordinating this fund raising event. I may have mentioned this before, but even if you don't purchase anything at the auction, 100% of everything that comes through the Loft's registers that night will be donated to Sam. Aslo, special thanks to all of the very generous businesses and individuals for their support. Thank you Brad, Rachel, Larry, and Crawford for your time and efforts in helping make this happen. Everyone now knows the details, so please tell everybody that you know. I look forward to seeing you all enjoying a good time, listening to some great music, and helping support Sam. Thank you all so very much.
1. Weekend stay @ a beach house in Mexico Beach.
2. Various works of art contributed by local artists.
3. A 1988 Ford Bronco in great shape (Brand new 351 Windsor engine, hard and soft top, lift kit, over sized off-road tires, good brakes, CD player, and runs great!).
4. Pop-up Camper that's in really good shape.
5. Sports Memorabilia (some of which is autographed).
6. Assorted Jewelry donated by jewelry stores and other jewelers.
7. Photography Session by James Sleadd Photography (which includes a 16x20 Signature Series Portrait, package is negotiable).
8. Concert Tickets (Bo Diddly @ the River Center).
9. Cool Slot Machine.
10. Numerous gift certificates to restaurants and local business (Carrabba's, Styles by Cooper, Judy Bugs Bookstore, Superior Skin Art, The Cannon Restaurant, Fountain City Coffee, 2 Country Hams from Country's Bar-b-que, & Ride on Bikes).
11. $600 value to Ranger Boat Supplies.
12. Year long pass to The Loft and also passes to Comedy Nights.
13. 1 full day of recording time @ the Loft's Recording Studio.
14. $400 value photo shoot by Sean Rocks Media.
15. Car Windshield.
16. Massage by professional masseuse
17. Season tickets to the Columbus Cotton Mouths.
And much more!!!!
-Monetary Donations are also greatly appreciated.
-Contributions can be made out to: Lumpkin United Methodist Church P.O. Box 188 Lumpkin, Ga. 31815 (and in the memo line indicate Sam Singer's Recovery Fund).
Receipts will be provided for tax deduction purposes.
I would like to thank Brad and Buddy @ the Loft for coordinating this fund raising event. I may have mentioned this before, but even if you don't purchase anything at the auction, 100% of everything that comes through the Loft's registers that night will be donated to Sam. Aslo, special thanks to all of the very generous businesses and individuals for their support. Thank you Brad, Rachel, Larry, and Crawford for your time and efforts in helping make this happen. Everyone now knows the details, so please tell everybody that you know. I look forward to seeing you all enjoying a good time, listening to some great music, and helping support Sam. Thank you all so very much.
Thursday October 19
(silent) Auction & open-mic jam for
Sam Singer
Wednesday, October 25th @ The Loft
(art, photo session, sports memorabilia, recording sessions, restaurant certificates, jewelry and more!)
To donate items for the auction, please contact Brad Strickland @ 706.718.1816
Lumpkin United
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday October 18
Sam III enjoyed Smurf blue water by mouth today. The blue dye is used as an alert and will show up in his lung secretions should he get any in his lungs.
Sam also had his golden purse removed. He will be cathed every 6 hours.
He certainly looks good without the collar. He has very good neck mobility, now.
After physical therapy(Kelly) he seemed very tired and was in some pain. After some medication, he was much better and quite talkative after lunch. He phoned brothers Matt and George. Matt is going to see him tonight.
He is also working very hard outside of therapy to increase his mobility and strength in his wrists and arms.
Occupational therapy (Patti) was working with him when we left this afternoon. OT has been teaching him how to do everyday activities on his own such as holding a cup.
Grandin, what's your email?
Breaking News from Aunt Sue! Sam had green beans and peaches for supper! Beans and peaches were good, not so the cookies.
We are very pleased in his progress over the last week and ask for your continuing prayers.
Sam also had his golden purse removed. He will be cathed every 6 hours.
He certainly looks good without the collar. He has very good neck mobility, now.
After physical therapy(Kelly) he seemed very tired and was in some pain. After some medication, he was much better and quite talkative after lunch. He phoned brothers Matt and George. Matt is going to see him tonight.
He is also working very hard outside of therapy to increase his mobility and strength in his wrists and arms.
Occupational therapy (Patti) was working with him when we left this afternoon. OT has been teaching him how to do everyday activities on his own such as holding a cup.
Grandin, what's your email?
Breaking News from Aunt Sue! Sam had green beans and peaches for supper! Beans and peaches were good, not so the cookies.
We are very pleased in his progress over the last week and ask for your continuing prayers.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday October 17
I couldn't be in Atlanta today. The report is from Gran and Susan. First big thing is the foam neck collar is gone. Sam III's surgery has healed and he no longer needs it. Next, Sam can scratch (not yet pick) his nose with each hand. PT and OT both today. Sam has also scheduled a recreation therapy visit to the bookstore next Tuesday. I expect to be in Atlanta tomorrow and will try to have a few more details on the next post. Keep praying and send comments!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Monday October 16, post #2
Thanks to George, the post keep on coming even though I've had tonsillitis for a few days and haven't been able to post. Susan supplied me with most of the information for today. I'm planning on going to Atlanta on Wednesday.
Sam III had lots of visitors today. The incomplete list includes: Gran, Granpappy, Lil, and Susan.
He was in good spirits. Looking and feeling much better than the end of last week. PT in the morning and OT in the afternoon today.
Sam is really appreciate of those of you that still use snail mail. Here is his mailing address:
Sam Singer
Room 203c
Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Road, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-1465
Keep praying and keep commenting!
Sam III had lots of visitors today. The incomplete list includes: Gran, Granpappy, Lil, and Susan.
He was in good spirits. Looking and feeling much better than the end of last week. PT in the morning and OT in the afternoon today.
Sam is really appreciate of those of you that still use snail mail. Here is his mailing address:
Sam Singer
Room 203c
Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Road, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-1465
Keep praying and keep commenting!
Monday, 10:30 am, October 16th
Sorry everyone but I didn't have a chance to post yesterday. LeeAnne and I were pretty tired when we got back to Columbus last night. Sunday morning Lan and I hung out with Sam and got him looking good for his visitors that day. We had planned on going to the Sunday worship at 1:30 but Shepherd was a little short handed on Respiratory Therapists at the time and we couldn't get one to go with us. Sam didn't mind too much so instead we called some of his friends to come on over to visit. Mailman, Tiffany, Chase, and Kyle came around 1:30 or so. Sam was so happy to see everyone. Our great-aunt Sis dropped by and said hello. Aunt Sue came by with some clean clothes and even checked on Mike to see if there was anything she could do for him. Also Janis came for a while. I had not met her before but she is a very nice person. Sandra came up too and hung out with Sam that night. Sam had quite a few visitors and was so happy to see everyone. He was feeling well yesterday, no temperature and not a lot of respiratory work. Today Sam has PT from 10:00 to 11:00. Then he wants to meet with Ken, the pastor at Shepherd, around 11:00. This afternoon he has OT from 2:00 to 3:30. Gran and Granpappy are heading up today and will be there tomorrow. I'm sure Mom is heading up there too and of course our two wonderful aunts will be around. Sam, I'll see you on Friday. I wish I was there but, I've got to work. I love you brother and will talk to you guys soon.
I almost forgot, I'm going to get in touch with Brad from the Loft and will be posting information about the silent auction benefit on Wednesday the 25th. I spoke with him briefly yesterday and he did say that anyone wanting to donate items to be auctioned should contact him (Brad Strickland) at 706.718.1816
Thanks everyone for your help and support.
I almost forgot, I'm going to get in touch with Brad from the Loft and will be posting information about the silent auction benefit on Wednesday the 25th. I spoke with him briefly yesterday and he did say that anyone wanting to donate items to be auctioned should contact him (Brad Strickland) at 706.718.1816
Thanks everyone for your help and support.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Saturday, October 14th, 9:00
Hello everyone, it's George, just wanted to let you know what Sam did today. This morning we straightened up his room since he knew that he was going to have some friends come to visit. Shortly after lunch, Gabe and Amanda arrived but Sam had Occupational Therapy (where he said they worked him hard again). After OT, Mailman and Tiffany showed up and Sam, LeeAnne, Mailman, Tiffany, Gabe, Amanda, Mike (Sam's roommate who is a really cool guy) and myself just hung out and had a really good time. Aunt Sue stopped by later in the evening to say hello and drop off a couple of things. Sam had another good day today of no fever and breathed well. He was very happy to visit with everyone and looks forward to visiting some more friends tomorrow. That's about all, Lan and I are about to head back to the condo and be back bright and early. Goodnight all and we'll talk to you soon. Oh, Dustin, Sam got your package in the mail today and is looking forward to watching the Pink Floyd DVD. Take care everyone and we'll talk again soon.
George, Sam, and Lan
George, Sam, and Lan
Friday, October 13, 2006
10-13, 8:30
Hey everyone, it's George. I'm here with Lan and Sam and here's today update. Sam got a good night's sleep last night and was in his chair when we got here around 9:00. He looked great and his breathing is much better from yesterday. He had PT this morning about 10:00 and Lan and I got to watch and help. He really does work hard during his therapy (you can tell from his facial expressions that he is working it). He also had a visit from his TR girl (therapeutic recreation) who outlined the programs that they have here. They set up outings like going to movies, getting out for dinner, and events like going to see the braves, etc. She also explained that Shepherd has six specialists that will meet with you like sports, outdoor, water, arts, and music. The music specialist is Thomas and Sam wants to meet with him to see what kind of ideas they can come up with. This afternoon he had OT (occupational therapy) and she gave Sam a fresh shave and a hair cut, so now he is looking sharp! We played some Pop Culture Trival Pursuit and of course, Sam won. He's looking forward to hanging out with Josh, Heather, Gabe, and Amanda tomorrow. Mailman and Tiffany will be stopping by on Sunday. Today was a great day. We love you all and will keep you posted.
George, Lan, and Sam
George, Lan, and Sam
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Hey guys, it's George, This morning we had the family consultation. Everything went fine. Dr. McDonald gave the diagnosis/prognosis and answered many of Sam's questions. I went to PT with Sam and I must say they work him pretty hard. Due to some recent breathing issues, Dr. Z gave Sam another broncoscopy. I happy to report that Sam is breathing good and with any luck will be able to talk with everyone visiting this weekend. Due to some high fevers, Sam has gotten a little behind on reading the comments but plans on replying to some of them in the next couple of days. Sam says "thanks for giving me hell about having new wheels". (he's helping me make this post). He also says that they gave him his keys but he has to have two carts following him. He gets around really well. Happy Bday Dustin. Peace and love for Mander. Talk to you guys soon.
Lots of love,
Sam, George, and Lan
Lots of love,
Sam, George, and Lan
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Tuesday Oct 10
I was at work in Auburn today and as a result I have third hand information.
Sam had a tough day breathing. He needed a number of breathing treatments. He's running a temp in th 102 range. Praying for a better day on Wednesday.
Please keep Sam in your prayers and keep on commenting.
Sam had a tough day breathing. He needed a number of breathing treatments. He's running a temp in th 102 range. Praying for a better day on Wednesday.
Please keep Sam in your prayers and keep on commenting.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Monday October 9
Sam III drove the powered chair by himself today. Slowly but surely. He went to occupational therapy this morning for an hour and went to an hour of physical therapy this afternoon.
He is tired tonight from therapy. Most of the therapy focused on his shoulders.
Sam was really happy being able to be on the gym floor.
He is still have some breathing problems. During his physical therapy, he needed to have his lungs suctioned which cut into his therapy time.
All in all, he had a good day.
He is tired tonight from therapy. Most of the therapy focused on his shoulders.
Sam was really happy being able to be on the gym floor.
He is still have some breathing problems. During his physical therapy, he needed to have his lungs suctioned which cut into his therapy time.
All in all, he had a good day.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Sam III's Replies
Josh and Heather,
Come see me next weekend. But be warned that it is rated R and the kiddies should probably stay at home. I love you kids very much and always will.
Bob, your posts are over inflated and reek with smugness and gusto. Keep it up or else I'll bury you.
Your pal,
Leigh Anne & Clay,
I miss you guys also. My door is still open to you if you find the time. Love to see you.
Man, I love your quote about the cracked shell. Great perspective. Luv ya brotha. You and Larry come see me some time.
Dear dear Mailman,
Same thing I said to Bobby. Bring that shit in person.
Thanks Dennis. I'm touched. I'll be looking out for your package any day now. I have a computer, headphones, and an open mind now.
Dear Meg,
I'd love to see you soon, but I think there's a decible limit so tell Ru.
Much love to ya'll.
Thanks for those last lines. I sang along as well. That's how it goes.
Thanks for all your posts. Now that I get a chance to reply, I want to let you know you've always been a great friend. Hell yeah I remember Kathy.
San & Allen
Come on over any time. Sunday would be great. But I can wait until Monday as well.
Love ya'll,
I love you man. Your friendship is like a brother to me. Thanks for the puzzles. I try not to figure them out. What Pink Floyd song?
It's good to hear from you as well. All love to your fam. Stay in touch.
Bring it on. Love to see you guys also. But it might be a bit much for the Kalinator.
Come see me next weekend. But be warned that it is rated R and the kiddies should probably stay at home. I love you kids very much and always will.
Bob, your posts are over inflated and reek with smugness and gusto. Keep it up or else I'll bury you.
Your pal,
Leigh Anne & Clay,
I miss you guys also. My door is still open to you if you find the time. Love to see you.
Man, I love your quote about the cracked shell. Great perspective. Luv ya brotha. You and Larry come see me some time.
Dear dear Mailman,
Same thing I said to Bobby. Bring that shit in person.
Thanks Dennis. I'm touched. I'll be looking out for your package any day now. I have a computer, headphones, and an open mind now.
Dear Meg,
I'd love to see you soon, but I think there's a decible limit so tell Ru.
Much love to ya'll.
Thanks for those last lines. I sang along as well. That's how it goes.
Thanks for all your posts. Now that I get a chance to reply, I want to let you know you've always been a great friend. Hell yeah I remember Kathy.
San & Allen
Come on over any time. Sunday would be great. But I can wait until Monday as well.
Love ya'll,
I love you man. Your friendship is like a brother to me. Thanks for the puzzles. I try not to figure them out. What Pink Floyd song?
It's good to hear from you as well. All love to your fam. Stay in touch.
Bring it on. Love to see you guys also. But it might be a bit much for the Kalinator.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday, 10-19, 11:00pm
Hey guys, it's George. Sorry I don't have an update on Sam today but I would like to post the information regarding the Silent Auction @ the Loft next Wednesday. We'll get started around 6:00 and have happy hour until 7:00. The bidding will begin @ 7:00 and end @ 10:00. From 10:00 to Midnight we'll settle all purchases. Don't worry, if you're not there that late for the settling and you've won the bid, we'll get in touch with you to notify you that you've won the item. The music will start around 8:00 and will play until closing (expect to hear some of Columbus premier musicians).
Some of the items up for bid include:
1. Weekend stay @ a beach house in Mexico Beach.
2. Various works of art contributed by local artists.
3. A 1988 Ford Bronco in great shape (Brand new 351 Windsor engine, hard and soft top, lift kit, over sized off-road tires, good brakes, CD player, and runs great!).
4. Pop-up Camper that's in really good shape.
5. Sports Memorabilia (some of which is autographed).
6. Assorted Jewelry donated by jewelry stores and other jewelers.
7. Photography Session by James Sleadd Photography (which includes a 16x20 Signature Series Portrait, package is negotiable).
8. Concert Tickets (Bo Diddly @ the River Center).
9. Cool Slot Machine.
10. Numerous gift certificates to restaurants and local business (Carrabba's, Styles by Cooper, Judy Bugs Bookstore, Superior Skin Art, The Cannon Restaurant, Fountain City Coffee, 2 Country Hams from Country's Bar-b-que, & Ride on Bikes).
11. $600 value to Ranger Boat Supplies.
12. Year long pass to The Loft and also passes to Comedy Nights.
13. 1 full day of recording time @ the Loft's Recording Studio.
14. $400 value photo shoot by Sean Rocks Media.
15. Car Windshield.
16. Massage by professional masseuse
17. Season tickets to the Columbus Cotton Mouths.
And much more!!!!
-Monetary Donations are also greatly appreciated.
-Contributions can be made out to: Lumpkin United Methodist Church P.O. Box 188 Lumpkin, Ga. 31815 (and in the memo line indicate Sam Singer's Recovery Fund).
Receipts will be provided for tax deduction purposes.
I would like to thank Brad and Buddy @ the Loft for coordinating this fund raising event. I may have mentioned this before, but even if you don't purchase anything at the auction, 100% of everything that comes through the Loft's registers that night will be donated to Sam. Aslo, special thanks to all of the very generous businesses and individuals for their support. Thank you Brad, Rachel, Larry, and Crawford for your time and efforts in helping make this happen.
Everyone now knows the details, so please tell everybody that you know. I look forward to seeing you all enjoying a good time, listening to some great music, and helping support Sam. Thank you all so very much.
Some of the items up for bid include:
1. Weekend stay @ a beach house in Mexico Beach.
2. Various works of art contributed by local artists.
3. A 1988 Ford Bronco in great shape (Brand new 351 Windsor engine, hard and soft top, lift kit, over sized off-road tires, good brakes, CD player, and runs great!).
4. Pop-up Camper that's in really good shape.
5. Sports Memorabilia (some of which is autographed).
6. Assorted Jewelry donated by jewelry stores and other jewelers.
7. Photography Session by James Sleadd Photography (which includes a 16x20 Signature Series Portrait, package is negotiable).
8. Concert Tickets (Bo Diddly @ the River Center).
9. Cool Slot Machine.
10. Numerous gift certificates to restaurants and local business (Carrabba's, Styles by Cooper, Judy Bugs Bookstore, Superior Skin Art, The Cannon Restaurant, Fountain City Coffee, 2 Country Hams from Country's Bar-b-que, & Ride on Bikes).
11. $600 value to Ranger Boat Supplies.
12. Year long pass to The Loft and also passes to Comedy Nights.
13. 1 full day of recording time @ the Loft's Recording Studio.
14. $400 value photo shoot by Sean Rocks Media.
15. Car Windshield.
16. Massage by professional masseuse
17. Season tickets to the Columbus Cotton Mouths.
And much more!!!!
-Monetary Donations are also greatly appreciated.
-Contributions can be made out to: Lumpkin United Methodist Church P.O. Box 188 Lumpkin, Ga. 31815 (and in the memo line indicate Sam Singer's Recovery Fund).
Receipts will be provided for tax deduction purposes.
I would like to thank Brad and Buddy @ the Loft for coordinating this fund raising event. I may have mentioned this before, but even if you don't purchase anything at the auction, 100% of everything that comes through the Loft's registers that night will be donated to Sam. Aslo, special thanks to all of the very generous businesses and individuals for their support. Thank you Brad, Rachel, Larry, and Crawford for your time and efforts in helping make this happen.
Everyone now knows the details, so please tell everybody that you know. I look forward to seeing you all enjoying a good time, listening to some great music, and helping support Sam. Thank you all so very much.
Monday, October 9th, 2006, 9:00
Hey guys it's George. Sorry for the lack of posts this weekend. Dad usually makes all the posts and I think I told him that I would post some this weekend and never got around to it until now. He and the rest of the family usually head back on the weekends to give LeeAnne and I time to visit since we have to work during the week. At any rate, Friday I got up there close to 8:00 and Matt was there to show Sam his new laptop that he got him. It's a really cool piece of equipment. LeeAnne came up on Saturday b/c her sister Catherine was in the homecoming court. After Matt left Sam and I just hung out. He just wanted us to look at each other and that was fine with me. He was a little tired due to coming off the ventilator. He's using a lot of energy now just getting used to breathing on his own after a couple of weeks of assistance. We talked about different things like the dreams and nightmares that we both have. Don't worry about the nightmares though because Sam enjoys nightmares as much as he does dreams. Since he's being fed through his stomach with "chocolate milkshakes", he dreams of eating Taco Bell and hamburgers from BurgerKing. They let me stay an hour after visiting hours so I left about 10:00.
Saturday, Sam spent a lot of time in his new electric chair. In the morning he wanted to get his room situated so we organized his closet and put up a couple of pictures from the show at Rhino's that Leigh and Kyle brought by. I gave him a shave so that he doesn't look like a hobo. In the afternoon we watched Auburn get whooped up on. It was a sad day in college football for all the Auburn and Georgia fans. Aunt Susan and our cousin Jennings dropped in with a clock for him but they're going to exchange it for one that illuminates at night. LeeAnne came up that afternoon with more of Sam's shirts from home and some boxers. That night we watched most of the Georgia game until visiting hours were over. He needed to get some rest Saturday b/c he knew that Sunday was going to be a day full of visits.
On Sunday Sam had quite a few visitors. First Dean and Crawford came by for a while and I can't tell how excited Sam was to see them, I think the feeling was mutual. While Dean and Crawford were there, some of our family came by to visit as well. Grandma, our cousin David and his wife Yi, Uncle Zim, and Aunt Sue and Uncle Lewis visited. Grandma wanted to meet Dean and thank him for everything he did the night of Sam's accident. After that crew of visitors left, Larry, Jenny, and Kali came to visit. They were so excited to see Sam and he was just as excited to see them. Sam had such a huge smile on his face when everybody left and so did everyone that visited that day.
I know that I'm rambling a bit but I've been meaning to thank everyone for their support. Thank you to everyone that moved us from our old house to the new one, you know who you are. Thanks to the Sleadd family. You guys are awesome. And thanks to all the family and friends that have been there day in and day out. Thanks to all of you guys posting and praying for Sam. Thanks to everyone at work who have been so understanding. Thank you all for everything. There's too many people to name. I know these thank you's are unnecessary b/c you would have done it anyway but I just had to say it. Most of all, thank you Sam for being the amazingly strong person that you are. I don't know if you realize what kind of inspiration you are to all of us. I love you so much brother.
Enough of that. Time for some plugging. Please come out to the Loft Wednesday the 25th for the silent auction. Those guys have been great organizing everything so be prepared for a night of good music, good times, and good people.
I love you all,
Saturday, Sam spent a lot of time in his new electric chair. In the morning he wanted to get his room situated so we organized his closet and put up a couple of pictures from the show at Rhino's that Leigh and Kyle brought by. I gave him a shave so that he doesn't look like a hobo. In the afternoon we watched Auburn get whooped up on. It was a sad day in college football for all the Auburn and Georgia fans. Aunt Susan and our cousin Jennings dropped in with a clock for him but they're going to exchange it for one that illuminates at night. LeeAnne came up that afternoon with more of Sam's shirts from home and some boxers. That night we watched most of the Georgia game until visiting hours were over. He needed to get some rest Saturday b/c he knew that Sunday was going to be a day full of visits.
On Sunday Sam had quite a few visitors. First Dean and Crawford came by for a while and I can't tell how excited Sam was to see them, I think the feeling was mutual. While Dean and Crawford were there, some of our family came by to visit as well. Grandma, our cousin David and his wife Yi, Uncle Zim, and Aunt Sue and Uncle Lewis visited. Grandma wanted to meet Dean and thank him for everything he did the night of Sam's accident. After that crew of visitors left, Larry, Jenny, and Kali came to visit. They were so excited to see Sam and he was just as excited to see them. Sam had such a huge smile on his face when everybody left and so did everyone that visited that day.
I know that I'm rambling a bit but I've been meaning to thank everyone for their support. Thank you to everyone that moved us from our old house to the new one, you know who you are. Thanks to the Sleadd family. You guys are awesome. And thanks to all the family and friends that have been there day in and day out. Thanks to all of you guys posting and praying for Sam. Thanks to everyone at work who have been so understanding. Thank you all for everything. There's too many people to name. I know these thank you's are unnecessary b/c you would have done it anyway but I just had to say it. Most of all, thank you Sam for being the amazingly strong person that you are. I don't know if you realize what kind of inspiration you are to all of us. I love you so much brother.
Enough of that. Time for some plugging. Please come out to the Loft Wednesday the 25th for the silent auction. Those guys have been great organizing everything so be prepared for a night of good music, good times, and good people.
I love you all,
Thursday October 5, 2006, 10:00pm
Hey everyone it's George. I went to open mic last night at the Loft and spoke with Brad and Kat about a silent auction that they are coordinating to raise some $ for Sam. They've planned it for Wednesday, October 25th. There will be some really good music and good people there to support Sam's recovery. I'm not really sure what items to donate for the auction so any ideas are welcomed. I do know that some local artist will be donating some of their art but if you can think of things of value (sentimental to Sam or not) that will be welcomed. Please come support this event for Sam and enjoy a good time. Thanks for your help.
Thursday October 5
Sam's room number is 203C. His visiting hours during the week are 4-9 and 9-9 on weekends. His mailing address is:
Sam Singer
Room 203c
Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Road, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-1465
Sam had an hour of physical therapy this morning. He'll go for 2 hours on Friday. He also had a tour of the 2nd floor where he'll be working over the next few weeks. He had lots of family visiting today.
I want to thank you all for the comments, prayers, visits, calls, and other acts of kindness. The entire family appreciates all of the caring you've shown.
Sam Singer
Room 203c
Shepherd Center
2020 Peachtree Road, NW
Atlanta, GA 30309-1465
Sam had an hour of physical therapy this morning. He'll go for 2 hours on Friday. He also had a tour of the 2nd floor where he'll be working over the next few weeks. He had lots of family visiting today.
I want to thank you all for the comments, prayers, visits, calls, and other acts of kindness. The entire family appreciates all of the caring you've shown.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Wednesday October 4

Well, everyone has asked for this one and here it is. Sam III with the Falcons Cheerleader.
The big news today is that Sam has moved out of ICU into a regular room!
Sam will start physical and occupational therapy on Thursday. He is off of the ventilator. The new room has lots of room. His room has 4 beds but he has only 1 roommate at this time.
Please keep Sam in your prayers as he starts this new phase in his recovery process. Keep those comments coming. We are reading them to him daily
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Tuesday October 3rd, 2006 8:30

October 2
Sunday, October 01, 2006
October 1, 2006 9:35
Hey guys it's George. Just wanted to mention a few things that dad left off about Sam's progress. Not only does Sam have sensation on his left side to his toes, he also has sensation on his right side to around his waist. Also he is able to move both wrist (quite well) which is controlled by your C6 vertebra. His original diagnosis by Dr. McDonald, after his first surgery to repair his C5 vertebra, was that he was a C5 complete. This essentially means that Sam would have a very slim chance of regaining much movement or sensation below his C5 vertebra. Obviously, he was wrong. I sort of feel like doctors can be like weathermen. After seeing Sam's movement in his wrist and confirmed the sensations that Sam is feeling, Dr. McDonald told me Saturday that due to the sedation after surgery it can be difficult to determine the exact damage to the spinal cord. In other words, Sam is not a C5 complete. With Sam's strong will and stubbornness, I would not be surprised to see him regain a lot more movement (especially when he is able to start the "boot camp" of rehabilitation that he will undergo soon). I believe that a large part of Sam's progress is due to all of your support through the benefit shows, posts, and the love and prayers that are for him. Please keep it up. I love you all.
October 1
Sam III had another very good day. He was off of the ventilator for 6 hours. He tolerated the time off of the ventilator well and even napped for an hour. He is still in great spirits. I attended the Backyard Blues in Columbus last night and enjoyed meeting many of you who have been commenting on this blog. Thanks for all the support that you have been giving to Sam III. He has some really great friends.
Keep us in your prayers and keep commenting. Sam loves hearing from all of you!
Sam III had another very good day. He was off of the ventilator for 6 hours. He tolerated the time off of the ventilator well and even napped for an hour. He is still in great spirits. I attended the Backyard Blues in Columbus last night and enjoyed meeting many of you who have been commenting on this blog. Thanks for all the support that you have been giving to Sam III. He has some really great friends.
Keep us in your prayers and keep commenting. Sam loves hearing from all of you!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
September 30
(6:00 p.m.)
Sam III has made a great deal of progress today. He is having sensational on his left side down to his toes. He has sensation on his right side down to his waist. This is really good news. Also, Sam was off of the ventilator for an hour and a half this afternoon. All of this is great news. Please continue praying and commenting.
Sam III has made a great deal of progress today. He is having sensational on his left side down to his toes. He has sensation on his right side down to his waist. This is really good news. Also, Sam was off of the ventilator for an hour and a half this afternoon. All of this is great news. Please continue praying and commenting.
Friday, September 29, 2006
September 29th
Sam III wants to reply to a some of your comments.
1. To ThaMailman: "When you were in that coma did you feel your brain getting damaged?"...Dr. Nick
2. To skydog_leigh: Come to see me tomorrow. (Sept 29th)
3. To Allen and Sandra: Yeah, but I shaved it yesterday. I too want everyone there when we do it. Thank you for posting.
4. To Larry C.: Thanks for all your luvin beats. Keep on posting. Sammy I am.
1. To ThaMailman: "When you were in that coma did you feel your brain getting damaged?"...Dr. Nick
2. To skydog_leigh: Come to see me tomorrow. (Sept 29th)
3. To Allen and Sandra: Yeah, but I shaved it yesterday. I too want everyone there when we do it. Thank you for posting.
4. To Larry C.: Thanks for all your luvin beats. Keep on posting. Sammy I am.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
September 28, 2006 11:00pm
Hey everybody, it's George again. Dad still hasn't had a chance to get to a computer to post today's update so here's today progress report. Sam's feeding tube procedure was a success and they actually performed it in the ICU room instead of at Piedmont. He also had some physical therapy sessions where they do arm and leg stretches (some of which are resistant to strengthen his muscles). He is in great spirits and is asking for more physical therapy than what they have him scheduled for (determined and stubborn, what a great combination!). Our Aunt Trish (who is a paraplegic and has been through Shepherd and knows James Shepherd well) visited Sam for about an hour. She is a very active advocate of the Shepherd Center. She promotes Shepherd and paraplegics through commercials and also has T.V. show on GPTV. After her visit with Sam, she felt very good about the progress that he has made in such a short amount of time. Dr. Varner and his wife were also at the Shepherd Center today for his periodic check ups and plans on either he or his wife visiting Sam to talk about the amazing things that Shepherd is capable of doing for patients. Many of you may or may not know that Dr. Varner (who is from Columbus) was injured while riding a horse. Today the visiting hours were limited due to three new ICU patients arriving so Sam has some new roomates. Expect a post from Sam soon because he has been really wanting everyone to know how he is doing and how he feels. So all in all, another great day for Sam. Keep up the prayers and posts. Sam, I'll be there tomorrow and I can't wait to see you. I love you. George
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
9:00 pm Update September 27th, 2006
Hey everybody, it's George. Dad doesn't have access to a computer tonight so I'll be giving the pm update. Today Sam had another good day. He had the regular crew of family visiting all day (Dad, Mom, Jaime, Hollis, Aunt Sue and Aunt Susan). Also a cousin of ours from Athens, Richard Johnson, came down to visit and left some sci-fi dvds for Sam to watch. I know Sam had a big smile on his face when Richard came by. I'm not sure what other family members visited today, so I apologize if I left anybody off the list. Again Sam had a good day mainly because he was happy to have that nice red beard shaved off (it irritates him to let a beard grow in but since the trac procedure he has had everything cleared from his mouth so that they could give him a shave). Tomorrow Sam will undergo another surgery at Piedmont to put in a feeding tube through his stomach. This tube will only be in until he's off the ventilator. Other than that Sam has been his usually (as if you couldn't tell from the picture). By the way he wants everyone to know that the two marks on his forehead is where he said he got his horns cut off. Please continue to post and pray for his recovery because he is read your replies daily. Sam, I love you brother and I'll be seeing you soon (I'll have more dirty jokes to tell you). Mailman... I love the Homer quotes and I know that Sam does too... keep them coming. Will Dockery.... please give me a call 706.566.0420... I would like to take Sam a copy of the recordings that Shadowville Allstars did before his accident to take him. Dean and LeeAnne, I feel forever indebted to you for what you did that night to bring my brother back. I believe that it is more than a coincidence that we had a nurse and a ex-life guard there. That's all for tonight. Talk to you soon. I love you all.
Wednesday Sept. 27
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Tuesday September 26
Sam had tracheostomy surgery around noon today. He is doing well and resting. Sam's doctor says that Sam will enjoy this much better than the oral tube. He should be able to talk some or at least whisper. He will be feed with a tube to his stomach. Sorry, no Varsity Hot dogs for Sam, yet.
Apologies to those 6 comments that I lost yesterday. Please check and if yours is gone, replace it.
I'll be reading Sam the current comments tomorrow morning.
Keep us in your prayers.
Sam had tracheostomy surgery around noon today. He is doing well and resting. Sam's doctor says that Sam will enjoy this much better than the oral tube. He should be able to talk some or at least whisper. He will be feed with a tube to his stomach. Sorry, no Varsity Hot dogs for Sam, yet.
Apologies to those 6 comments that I lost yesterday. Please check and if yours is gone, replace it.
I'll be reading Sam the current comments tomorrow morning.
Keep us in your prayers.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Monday September 25
(8:30 a.m.)Last night Sam III enjoyed the season premiere of "The Simpsons". Earlier in the day, the nurses worked to take him off the ventilator for a few minutes. Sam didn't tolerate it very well. His nurse, Rose says that that is not unusual for the first attempt. We read to Sam a number of the comments that you all have sent. He really enjoys hearing from you. This morning, the nrse is stretching Sam's legs. This helps to keep the tendons from drawing up. (7:00 p.m.)Sam had a rough day. The nurses suctioned his lungs several times. The doctor will probably perform a tracheostomy on Wednesday or Thursday. This is a surgery to allow an opening to be placed in the throat that can be used for insertion of a breathing tube. He is currently using an oral tube. Please continue to keep Sam in your prayers. I read him all of yesterdays comments this morning. He really enjoys hearing from all of his friends. |
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Sunday September 24th
Yesterday there were lots of family at the hospital. I know that means a lot to Sam III having you all present. He is still in ICU and visitation is limited. George and Sam continue to communicate using the Letter List. they r using text message words. Sam's breathing is still good, but not good enough to leave the ventilator. He spent some time yesterday sitting up in a chair. He is smiling and in very good spirits. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Sam is being read the comments you are leaving. He really enjoys hearing from you. |
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Letter List
George and Sam have created a way to communicate. It is called "Letter List". George uses a piece of paper with 4 rows of letters. The 1st row contains A-G, the 2nd row contains H-N. The next 2 rows complete the alphabet.
George positions the Letter List so that Sam can see it. George then asks Sam the question, "Does the word start with a letter from the 1st row?". If Sam nods "no", then George asks "Does the word start with a letter from the 2nd row?".
When Sam indicates "yes", George then knows that the letter is listed on a particular row. He can then ask "is the letter H? Is the letter I?" and so forth.
This process quickly identifies the words in Sam's question or statement.
George positions the Letter List so that Sam can see it. George then asks Sam the question, "Does the word start with a letter from the 1st row?". If Sam nods "no", then George asks "Does the word start with a letter from the 2nd row?".
When Sam indicates "yes", George then knows that the letter is listed on a particular row. He can then ask "is the letter H? Is the letter I?" and so forth.
This process quickly identifies the words in Sam's question or statement.
Friday, September 22, 2006
The Day After Surgery
(9:45 a..m.) We just visited with Sam III. He seems much improved this morning. With the halo removed, he can move his head from left to right or up and down. It's much easier to communicate than 1 blink for yes or 2 for no. The nurse says that he will get a bath and be cleaned up later this morning. Hopefully they will be able to get him into a chair for a little whilte after lunch. Prognosis is that he will be able to use a powered chair. Fine motor skills in his hands will be very unlikely. He is still on the ventilator, but is being weaned. Sam is receiving great care the doctors, nurses and staff have been wonderful to Sam and all of the family. (8:30 p.m.) Sam made lots of progress today. His nurses put him in a chair for about an hour and a half today. This procedure improves his breathing and keeps fluids from gathering in one place in his lungs. He is breathing deep breaths in and breathing out slowly. This exercise strengthens his overall respiration. His breathing continues to improve daily. Please keep Sam in your prayers today. Keep commenting. We'll begin reading Sam the comments people have sent later today. |
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Post Surgery
(4:30 p.m.) Dr. McDonald reported that the surgery was successful. He removed some bone from Sam's left pelvic and with the use of 2 screws and a plate, he repaired the C5 vertebra. He will continue to remain in ICU as long as he is on a ventilator. He is now being weaned from the ventilator. This process may take a week to 10 days. Please continue praying for Sam's recovery. Keep sending comments! |
Thursday September 21, 4:20
Hey everybody, it's George, just wanted to let you all know that Sam went into surgery at about 2:00 this afternoon (It was delayed some but not b/c of anything due to Sam). I just got word that the operation is going well and it will be about another hour before he's out of surgery. Our family spent all morning with him by his side and he was awake at times but for the most part we let him sleep since he's got a big day ahead of him. I've read and talked to some of you guys that are doing the open mics in dedication to him and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it and also how much Sam appreciates it. If any way possible can you guys either audio record or video some of the dedications so that Sam can see or hear them later. Again, thank you all for the support and prayers.
Thursday September 21
Sorry for the downtime on the site. My Dad guided me through getting it up and running again since he is currently away from an internet connection. We checked blogspot.com (which hosts this site) and it is up and running, so the sam singer.com page may have been down due to heavy volume of everyone trying to show their support which is great. Last night LeeAnne and I arrived in the ATL about 7:00 and came directly to my Uncle Zim and Aunt Toni's condo which is only a few blocks away from Shepherd. Their hospitality has been great! We all went to see Sam around 8:30 and he is very coherent. He is aware of where he is and that he has surgey scheduled for today. He made it clear that he is ready to come home but I had to explain to him that in order to get better he has to stay there. Today Sam is scheduled for surgery around 12:00. The doctors plan on making two incisions, one at his hip and one at the front of his neck. They'll use the piece from his hip to insert in his neck. This procedure will allow Sam to begin rehab sooner. They'll also remove the halo and replace it with a neck brace. We will keep you updated about the surgery.
George (8:30 am)
George (8:30 am)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Wednesday September 20
News from Shepherd Center is that Sam will have a surgery to stablize his spine on Thursday around noon. I'll have more later today.
The doctor will be doing a broncoscopy this afternoon to remove muscus from one of Sam's lungs. This will help get him ready for the surgery on Thursday.
News from Shepherd Center is that Sam will have a surgery to stablize his spine on Thursday around noon. I'll have more later today.
The doctor will be doing a broncoscopy this afternoon to remove muscus from one of Sam's lungs. This will help get him ready for the surgery on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday September 19
(6:00 a.m.)
We are planning to take Sam III to the Shepherd Center today. I've checked with Sam's nurse, Rocky. He says that the x-rays taken this morning are any better than those taken yesterday according to the radiologist.
Sam was released from the Medical Center about 11:00 and arrived in Atlanta at Shepherd Center about 1:00 p.m. He was taken to the ICU and was checked by physicians. A number of tests were run including new x-rays.
I spoke with his medical and othopedic doctors. Sam is expected to have surgery on Thursday to repair and stablize his spine. This will allow the halo to be removed. The doctors say that he will be able to begin rehab much more quickly. He will need to wear a collar for about 4 weeks.
The biggest disappointment was that the medical doctor thinks that Sam may need to have the ventalator for an additional 2 to 4 weeks. If he didn't smoke, the time on the ventalator would be much less.
Please continue to pray for Sam. Also, please continue to leave comments.
I saw many other patients in wheelchairs at Shepherd. Most of them Sam's age or younger. Hopefully having peers with similar circumstances will have a positive impact on his rehabilitation.
George writes this: (9/18/2007 5:00p.m.)
I just wanted to say thanks for all the prayers and support that Sam and our family have received during this difficult time. Sam is heading to Shepherd tomorrow morning. We met with a represenative from there this morning and she informed us that Sam will undergo surgey in the days to come. He will then begin a rehab program that takes 6 to 8 weeks. After that time he may attend a day rehab program while staying in nearby apartments that Shepard provides for patients. As we all know Sam is pretty stubborn so I have no doubt in my mind that he will come out of this, especially with all of your love and support. Thank you again.
LeeAnne writes this: (9/18/2007 5:00p.m.)
i just wanted to thank everyone for their support and prayers. Everyone has been so wonderful through all of this. Please keep posting because I know Sam will love to see all the support and love that he has from everyone. Sam is being transported to Sheperds tommorow and will have surgery this week so please continue to pray. again thank you everyone for all you have done. Sam and our family are truly blessed to have such wonderful and caring friends. Thanks for everything!Love,LeeAnne
We are planning to take Sam III to the Shepherd Center today. I've checked with Sam's nurse, Rocky. He says that the x-rays taken this morning are any better than those taken yesterday according to the radiologist.
Sam was released from the Medical Center about 11:00 and arrived in Atlanta at Shepherd Center about 1:00 p.m. He was taken to the ICU and was checked by physicians. A number of tests were run including new x-rays.
I spoke with his medical and othopedic doctors. Sam is expected to have surgery on Thursday to repair and stablize his spine. This will allow the halo to be removed. The doctors say that he will be able to begin rehab much more quickly. He will need to wear a collar for about 4 weeks.
The biggest disappointment was that the medical doctor thinks that Sam may need to have the ventalator for an additional 2 to 4 weeks. If he didn't smoke, the time on the ventalator would be much less.
Please continue to pray for Sam. Also, please continue to leave comments.
I saw many other patients in wheelchairs at Shepherd. Most of them Sam's age or younger. Hopefully having peers with similar circumstances will have a positive impact on his rehabilitation.
George writes this: (9/18/2007 5:00p.m.)
I just wanted to say thanks for all the prayers and support that Sam and our family have received during this difficult time. Sam is heading to Shepherd tomorrow morning. We met with a represenative from there this morning and she informed us that Sam will undergo surgey in the days to come. He will then begin a rehab program that takes 6 to 8 weeks. After that time he may attend a day rehab program while staying in nearby apartments that Shepard provides for patients. As we all know Sam is pretty stubborn so I have no doubt in my mind that he will come out of this, especially with all of your love and support. Thank you again.
LeeAnne writes this: (9/18/2007 5:00p.m.)
i just wanted to thank everyone for their support and prayers. Everyone has been so wonderful through all of this. Please keep posting because I know Sam will love to see all the support and love that he has from everyone. Sam is being transported to Sheperds tommorow and will have surgery this week so please continue to pray. again thank you everyone for all you have done. Sam and our family are truly blessed to have such wonderful and caring friends. Thanks for everything!Love,LeeAnne
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday September 18th
Today Sam will transported to Shepherd Center in Atlanta on Tuesday at 8:00a.m. We thought that he might be moved today, but his doctor wants to try and clear up some mucus in right lung.
Sam's care at the Medical Center in Columbus has been super! All of the nurses are so caring. Thanks in particular to Jeff, Chinna, Kay, Scott, Rocky, and Gwin.
Thanks to all who are taking the time to send personal comments. Sam will really appreciate reading these in 2 or 3 days when is able to read them.
Keep the comments coming!
Also thanks to all of those that have been able to make personal trips to the hospital. Your prayers and support are so appreciated.
I will post more details later in the day. (5:00 p.m.)
Sam's care at the Medical Center in Columbus has been super! All of the nurses are so caring. Thanks in particular to Jeff, Chinna, Kay, Scott, Rocky, and Gwin.
Thanks to all who are taking the time to send personal comments. Sam will really appreciate reading these in 2 or 3 days when is able to read them.
Keep the comments coming!
Also thanks to all of those that have been able to make personal trips to the hospital. Your prayers and support are so appreciated.
I will post more details later in the day. (5:00 p.m.)
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sam III's Progress Report for September 17
Sunday, September 17, 2006
This morning Sam seems to be more alert and aware of his surroundings. He recognizes me and really wants to talk in spite of the tube in his mouth. In between interruptions, he seems to be resting well. I’d like to talk more to him, but his reaction is to talk back to me which seems to be very frustrating to him causing him to flail his arms and attempt to pull at the ventilation tube.
At 2:00 p.m. today, the word is that the tube will be pulled tomorrow.
We were just notified that Sam will be transported to Shepherd Spinal in Atlanta on Monday at noon.
I will be updating this post throughout the day.
This morning Sam seems to be more alert and aware of his surroundings. He recognizes me and really wants to talk in spite of the tube in his mouth. In between interruptions, he seems to be resting well. I’d like to talk more to him, but his reaction is to talk back to me which seems to be very frustrating to him causing him to flail his arms and attempt to pull at the ventilation tube.
At 2:00 p.m. today, the word is that the tube will be pulled tomorrow.
We were just notified that Sam will be transported to Shepherd Spinal in Atlanta on Monday at noon.
I will be updating this post throughout the day.
Sam III's Progress Report for September 16
On Saturday morning Sam would have a couple of procedures. The first would be to install the halo. The purpose of the halo is to prevent movement of the damaged bones in the neck and allow them to begin to mend. The halo device attaches to the head with four screws that are actually screwed into the skull. The device is anchored by a vest that is worn by the patient. The Neurosurgeon told us that the device would be worn about 6 months.
After the halo was installed, the pulminologist did a procedure to remove mucus from Sam’s left lung.
Sam was sedated for the procedures and continued to be sedated for the remainder of the day.
After the halo was installed, the pulminologist did a procedure to remove mucus from Sam’s left lung.
Sam was sedated for the procedures and continued to be sedated for the remainder of the day.
Events Surrounding Sam III's Injury
Friday, September 15
This post contains the events that took place on September 15 relating to Sam’s injury.
George and LeeAnne were hosting a painting party at their new house. They’ve had the new house for about a week and haven’t yet moved in. They are painting the kitchen, dinning room, den, and the ceiling in the master bedroom. The house is located in Ladonia,, AL, about 15 minutes from downtown Columbus.
Those attending the party were George and LeeAnne, Sam III, Bobby Simmons, Dean and others.
Sam announced that he would be the first to tryout the pool. He dove in from the side of the deep end toward the shallow end. He did a belly flop but dove too deep hitting the bottom.
Everybody thought that Sam was making a joke, when floated to the top of the water. After a couple of minutes, George decided that maybe Sam wasn’t kidding and jumped in to get Sam out of the pool.
Sam was fortunate that LeeAnne was an experience lifeguard and trained in CPR. Their friend Dean who also plays in Skydog Gypsy is also a respiratory therapist nurse. He administered mouth to mouth.
Dean said that Sam didn’t have a pulse after being pulled from the pool. George said that he as turning blue.
Fortunately Sam began to respond to the CPR efforts.
The ambulance staffed by the Ladonia Volunteer Fire Department arrived and on the trip to the Medical Center in Columbus, Sam became conscious. George reports that the medics were asking Sam question and he was verbally responsive but was experiencing paralysis from the chest and lower.
I got a call from Bobby Simmons about 10. I had already gone to bed about 9. I heard the phone ring earlier about 9:30 but it was in the office and we rarely get calls on the land line. My cell was on vibrate, so I wouldn’t have heard it if it rang.
Bobby efficiently relayed the situation and I left Jaime, who was sleeping, to go to the Medical Center.
Many of Sam’s friends gathered over the next couple of hours and waiting outside the emergency room entrance for news.
Cat scan fortunately revealed no brain damage. X-rays would show fractures in c-6 and c-5.
The hospital staff moved Sam to ICU on the 8th floor about 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
This post contains the events that took place on September 15 relating to Sam’s injury.
George and LeeAnne were hosting a painting party at their new house. They’ve had the new house for about a week and haven’t yet moved in. They are painting the kitchen, dinning room, den, and the ceiling in the master bedroom. The house is located in Ladonia,, AL, about 15 minutes from downtown Columbus.
Those attending the party were George and LeeAnne, Sam III, Bobby Simmons, Dean and others.
Sam announced that he would be the first to tryout the pool. He dove in from the side of the deep end toward the shallow end. He did a belly flop but dove too deep hitting the bottom.
Everybody thought that Sam was making a joke, when floated to the top of the water. After a couple of minutes, George decided that maybe Sam wasn’t kidding and jumped in to get Sam out of the pool.
Sam was fortunate that LeeAnne was an experience lifeguard and trained in CPR. Their friend Dean who also plays in Skydog Gypsy is also a respiratory therapist nurse. He administered mouth to mouth.
Dean said that Sam didn’t have a pulse after being pulled from the pool. George said that he as turning blue.
Fortunately Sam began to respond to the CPR efforts.
The ambulance staffed by the Ladonia Volunteer Fire Department arrived and on the trip to the Medical Center in Columbus, Sam became conscious. George reports that the medics were asking Sam question and he was verbally responsive but was experiencing paralysis from the chest and lower.
I got a call from Bobby Simmons about 10. I had already gone to bed about 9. I heard the phone ring earlier about 9:30 but it was in the office and we rarely get calls on the land line. My cell was on vibrate, so I wouldn’t have heard it if it rang.
Bobby efficiently relayed the situation and I left Jaime, who was sleeping, to go to the Medical Center.
Many of Sam’s friends gathered over the next couple of hours and waiting outside the emergency room entrance for news.
Cat scan fortunately revealed no brain damage. X-rays would show fractures in c-6 and c-5.
The hospital staff moved Sam to ICU on the 8th floor about 1:00 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Friday, April 14, 2006
How Nerdy are You?
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Flex 2.0 beta
I downloaded Flex 1.5 maybe a month ago. I haven't had time to check it out. Yesterday, I saw many blog entries about Flex 2.0 beta. The latest pricing schemes got me excited about the possibility that we might be able to afford this product.
If you have followed the product's development, you might know that it creates .swf files using xml and javascript. You might also know that the price for the server is over $12,000!
The news of earlier this week is exciting because the new pricing scheme will mean that the server will be free and the IDE called Flex Builder 2 will sell for under $1000!
After an easy download and installation, I found that I had created several simple applications by following a tutorial in a matter of a couple of hours. The amount of code required is remarkably small.
I am sure that this technology that produces a great user experience has great promise and will be used extensively in our college.
If you have followed the product's development, you might know that it creates .swf files using xml and javascript. You might also know that the price for the server is over $12,000!
The news of earlier this week is exciting because the new pricing scheme will mean that the server will be free and the IDE called Flex Builder 2 will sell for under $1000!
After an easy download and installation, I found that I had created several simple applications by following a tutorial in a matter of a couple of hours. The amount of code required is remarkably small.
I am sure that this technology that produces a great user experience has great promise and will be used extensively in our college.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy New Year!
Friday afternoon, Jaime was feeling under the weather. I went to see a movie at the Metreon about mid-afternoon. I only movie set to start within the next 45 minutes was “Casanova”. This was certainly not my first choice. Turned out be a very funny movie.
Jaime had take out Clam Chowder again for dinner on Friday. I went across the street to Tad’s and had a grilled ham and cheese. It was very good.
Saturday morning, New Year’s Eve, and Jaime is feeling much better. The local and national news is full of the floods in the Napa and Russian river areas. We did have very high winds early Saturday morning. I almost blew away crossing the street to pick up coffee at 6:00 a.m. By 8:30 the wind was more calm and we took a cable car ride to Fisherman’s Wharf. No sooner than we reached the end of the line, the rain started again. We decided to make the return trip to the hotel.
Tad’s seemed like a good choice for breakfast. They had a great early bird special. We both had french toast, two eggs 4 pieces of sausage or bacon for only $5.79 each!
After resting at the hotel and watching the weather coverage and football on TV, it was time for lunch. We check the guide and it suggested that a supercheap special would be David’s Delicatessen. It was located on Geary near Taylor in the Theatre District. We found that I wasn’t that cheap, but it was good. We spent $12 for a lean hot corned beef with cheese. It came with slaw. Since we split it, it wasn’t a bad value. I also had a chocolate and coconut cookie to go!
We walked over to Union Square to enjoy the bright sunshine and warm temperatures. After spending maybe 45 minutes on the square, it was back to the room for more weather and football.
We decided to do dinner early. At 6:00 we went to Puccini & Pinetti. We had eaten here on the 26th and found it very good. Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait. We were seated near a window. We ordered a couple of glasses of Columbia Crest Merlot and a Pesto Pizza. Food and wine were delicious!
The night before, I discovered the large chocolate shake at Burger King. #32oz size only $2.09. Tonight, I settle for a 20oz medium.
We celebrated New Years a little early. Jaime had purchase four small individual sized champagne bottles. Since we didn’t plan on staying up until midnight to see the new year in, we had a toast at nine. We both went to sleep, but Jaime woke me about 11:30 and we celebrated again at midnight with a toast.
We got up Sunday morning about 6:00 a.m. I found all of the usual coffee shops closed. Jaime tried the coffee machine in the room and found it awful! Lucky for us, the shop across the street opened at 7 a.m.
Jaime had take out Clam Chowder again for dinner on Friday. I went across the street to Tad’s and had a grilled ham and cheese. It was very good.
Saturday morning, New Year’s Eve, and Jaime is feeling much better. The local and national news is full of the floods in the Napa and Russian river areas. We did have very high winds early Saturday morning. I almost blew away crossing the street to pick up coffee at 6:00 a.m. By 8:30 the wind was more calm and we took a cable car ride to Fisherman’s Wharf. No sooner than we reached the end of the line, the rain started again. We decided to make the return trip to the hotel.
Tad’s seemed like a good choice for breakfast. They had a great early bird special. We both had french toast, two eggs 4 pieces of sausage or bacon for only $5.79 each!
After resting at the hotel and watching the weather coverage and football on TV, it was time for lunch. We check the guide and it suggested that a supercheap special would be David’s Delicatessen. It was located on Geary near Taylor in the Theatre District. We found that I wasn’t that cheap, but it was good. We spent $12 for a lean hot corned beef with cheese. It came with slaw. Since we split it, it wasn’t a bad value. I also had a chocolate and coconut cookie to go!
We walked over to Union Square to enjoy the bright sunshine and warm temperatures. After spending maybe 45 minutes on the square, it was back to the room for more weather and football.
We decided to do dinner early. At 6:00 we went to Puccini & Pinetti. We had eaten here on the 26th and found it very good. Fortunately, we didn’t have to wait. We were seated near a window. We ordered a couple of glasses of Columbia Crest Merlot and a Pesto Pizza. Food and wine were delicious!
The night before, I discovered the large chocolate shake at Burger King. #32oz size only $2.09. Tonight, I settle for a 20oz medium.
We celebrated New Years a little early. Jaime had purchase four small individual sized champagne bottles. Since we didn’t plan on staying up until midnight to see the new year in, we had a toast at nine. We both went to sleep, but Jaime woke me about 11:30 and we celebrated again at midnight with a toast.
We got up Sunday morning about 6:00 a.m. I found all of the usual coffee shops closed. Jaime tried the coffee machine in the room and found it awful! Lucky for us, the shop across the street opened at 7 a.m.
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